Chapter Three - Charades

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The walk home is the most arduous part of the day, on foot for two hours after a six hour trek through the city. But that isn't the worst bit. Still taking point, T'kyra can't avoid talking to Oso forever. As soon as they clear the tunnel, Oso breaks the silence. 

"So Your Highness Major Lady Technical Wizard T'kyra, any boys you into at the moment?" Oso's tactless question almost causes T'kyra to trip. 

"That's none of your business! And one title will do for now thank you." TK tries to keep control of herself and the situation. 

"That's a yes!! Come on tell, anyone I need to be jealous of?" Oso props himself against a tree ahead of TK, letting her catch up after standing still in shock. 

"No, there is no one at the moment." Any attempt at a lie would just complicate things, and T'kyra wanted to end this awkward topic quickly. Surprisingly it did. 

"Oh sorry. Was just wondering aloud. How is your research going then?" The Captain spoke sincerely, walking along side his cousin. 

The major barely notices the apology, but forgets why he gave it in the first place. 

"Yeah it's going well thanks, we are close to being able to grow some new vegetables." T'kyra says uneasily. Where is this going? 

T'kyra turns to look at Oso. He smiles lightly at her. She smiles awkwardly back. 

This time TK doesn't avoid the debris scattered on the floor. Her foot catches underneath a discarded doll's house, the forgotten relic of a childhood long since faded away. Falling unceremoniously to the ground like a sack of potatoes, she lands on top of a pile of old toys, face first amid roars of laughter from her guardian. 

Oso stands rooted to the spot with a wide grin pasted on his face as the poor girl extracts herself. 

"That is no way to treat your superior!" T'kyra almost screams. 

"I wouldn't want to offend you by invading your personal space, your highness." Oso deftly bats off the remark, still grinning insanely. He sees TK's face flushing crimson, and knows what is coming - a full throw of verbal abuse. 

"How dare you speak to me like that!! I DEMAND respect! I am your superior officer AND a member of the council! I knew you would be like this! You act like a little baby, laughing and joking around, not knowing when to behave as a grown up." T'kyra stops her rant as she sees Oso's smile widening. Leaning on the doll's house, he waits a couple of seconds to time his swinging reply. 

"Gee princess, hop off the stress express." Home run. 

"That's it!" The major launches at her cousin from the ground reaching out with a fist of rage. Even though Oso knew what was coming, he is surprised at the speed of his attacker, failing to defend in time. T'kyra lands a punch to his stomach driving the air out from his lungs. 

"What the hell is going on!?" One shout from the commander stops all motion and time. TK looks down at the Captain on the floor. Realisation hits her that after what she has done, she's not that big at all. The major is about to try to explain when Grant cuts her off. 

"Why didn't you answer your radio, Major?" Neither TK or Oso realised that while they were arguing messages had been coming through from HQ. "Major, you are wanted at the council hall asap. Get moving. This incident will be discussed later. Dismissed." 

Major T'kyra looks up to see disapproval on the soldier's faces, and a blank look on the colonel's. He only uses that face to mask deep emotions, like the sheer disappointment he felt right now. TK knows what she has done, and summons what little self respect she still has. 

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