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Andromeda was sobbing.

Laying on the grass her dress covered with dirt and grass stains she laid there all alone tears streaming down her face but she wasn't really alone. She was lying next to her best friend. Her best friend's grave. It wasn't really much though it was an uneven patch of dirt with a few flowers around it that Elain had helped her plant.

She hadn't been to visit him in weeks, not after that night. This used to be their spot where they would spend their summer days climbing up the large oak tree and summer nights laying side by side to watch the stars. Now this was a place of her nightmares because it was the place that the boy with dark eyes and dark hair had found her.

He had been drunk and angry at her oldest's sister for rejecting him. He was angry. He was really angry. That's when he saw her. Walking all alone at night at the edge of the woods. He followed her. He watched her kneel on the grass clutching a necklace. He watched the tears flow down her delicate innocent face. She looked almost exactly like the woman who he had tried to force himself on earlier. She looked exactly like her sister except where Nesta was cold Andromeda was warm. Nesta's eyes were a cold blue gray. Andromedas were a bright blue with a gold ring around the pupil they looked like there was a fire burning within them. He wondered how angry Nesta would be if he stole that fire from her youngest sister so he acted.

He watched as she stood up to leave and took his chance. Smashing the bottle of liquor clutching a shard he forced her thin frame against the tree. Holding the shard against her throat as she thrashed against him. Sobbing begging for him to stop. He didn't. He ripped off the seam of her dress. He unbuckled his belt. She sobbed. She screamed for help and no one was around. She prayed to the stars to be saved and no one answered. She hoped that Hunter from up above couldn't see a man forcing himself into her at their tree. Oh how she prayed for that.

He left the girl there alone. With her clothes torn, minor cuts covering her body they would heal she wasn't sure if she would and one major gash below her collar bone that she knew would scar. It wasn't till hours later when the sun had risen did someone find her. It was Nesta.

Nesta approached her youngest sister carefully only for Andromeda to rush into her arms and let out a sob of relief. She then told her older sister everything. She told her that Tomas Mandray had raped her. That's when Nesta fell to the ground clutching Andy tightly and let out a sob of her own and they stayed there for hours more.

Now Andy was here at this spot weeks later. "After you died I would watch the sunrise every morning hoping that one day it would bring you with it you didn't say goodbye, and a part of me had believed that meant you were still coming back. I was so mad at you for leaving me I couldn't understand how you could just touch my soul and leave," She whispered.

Andromeda took a deep breath turning her head to the left to look at him while reaching her hand out for his. She was met with air and the sight of his grave with the only thing marking it the flowers around it. "I'm sorry I came here, you're probably disgusted and disappointed with me after what happened the last time I was here. I swear I tried," her voice cracked. "I tried to fight him but he was too strong."

"I hadn't planned on visiting you again but I can't look at a sunset without thinking of you. Missing you comes in waves and today I'm drowning. I miss you in ways that not even words can understand and I'm afraid I'll miss you forever."

With that said she stood up from the ground brushing her dress off "I love you Hunter," she whispered and took one last look at his grave before making her way back home.

It had been months since Feyre had left. The Archeron sister's now lived in a beautiful chateau. Now Feyre stepped out of her carriage while the Two oldest sisters of the house came to greet her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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