Chapter 9

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Lilly Rush was sat at her desk trying to identify a Jane Doe who had washed up on the banks of the Schuylkill this morning. The girl's remains were approximately 40 years old and she was estimated to have been 4 years old when she'd died. She'd also appeared to have been abused as her arm had been broken as if someone had twisted it.

That last part really got to Lilly. She could never imagine hurting Bean, from the moment she'd seen Bean on the monitor at her first scan she had wanted to do everything she could to protect her child, hell, she was even happy to be on desk duty if it meant keeping Bean safe. Working child abuse cases had always been hard in the past, but now she was pregnant and she had her own connection with a child, it was proving to be extremely difficult. She sighed and turned the page on the medical reports she was going through hoping to shed some light on who their victim might be, whilst rubbing her bump lovingly.

She had finally "popped" last week and she would never forget the look on Nick Vera's face as she'd proudly walked into Homicide with a small, but definitive, baby bump evident underneath her maternity clothes. He'd stood up, pointing at her stomach, dropped his donut and kept exclaiming "You're pregnant... you... you're... you're pregnant!"

Will had looked up at her then with a surprised look on his face and asked how far along she was. When she replied, she was sure she saw a flicker of recognition as if he'd worked out the night Bean had been conceived, but had done nothing more then give her a bear hug and congratulated her. He'd also asked if the father was around and she'd had to stop herself laughing at that, around he definitely was! She nodded and he'd smiled a genuinely happy smile for her.

Rumors had circulated quickly then that Ice Queen Rush was pregnant, although Scotty and she had still managed to keep the father a secret, they'd figured one rumor at a time was enough. IAB were still tied up with the human trafficking thing in East, much to her relief, so no formal investigation into her and Scotty's relationship had begin yet either.

Lilly concentrated on her files for another forty-five minutes until she was disturbed by Scotty and Nick returning from their job of disturbing flyers at City Hall.

"Hey guys, you want coffee?" Nick asked as he entered Homicide.

"Usual please." Will replied.

"Fruit smoothie for me." Lilly replied.

She'd had the biggest craving for them recently.

"Sure, cappuccino with cinnamon for me. But it's my turn to pay." Scotty said as he tossed his wallet towards Nick.

Nick fumbled with Scotty's wallet and it fell to the floor. Bending down to pick up the discarded receipts that had fallen out, Nick noticed what appeared to be a black and white photo. Squinting he recognized it as a pregnancy scan picture, not dissimilar to the one Lilly had shown him last week when news of her pregnancy had broke.

Was Scotty about to be a daddy? Had he knocked some woman up and not told them about it? Nick thought with a hint of glee. Taking a closer look, he took in the name on the scan.

No, it couldn't be, could it? He read the name again and realized his eyes were not mistaken.

"You... and... you!" He exclaimed, standing up and pointing to both Scotty and Lilly with the scan picture in his hand.

Scotty's blood ran cold and he remembered the picture of the last scan he always kept in his wallet. How could he have been so stupid to just give Nick his wallet like that? Glancing quickly across to Lilly, he saw that she had frozen in her seat, her arm resting protectively across her bump.

Nick voice bellowed through the air again. "You... and... and you!"

Now the whole department was looking at them and Lilly wished the ground would just open up and swallow her. So much for her and Scotty's secret. She sent Scotty's the iciest look she had ever sent anyone.

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