My first song

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My first song was called the pain song which was about my PTSD it's on YouTube under the name circus chomper I believe.   And it was under the album which is titled plain and simple which was more or less a positive thing. And then it started with an addiction to the guitar as if I already didn't have an addiction to the guitar already.   My brother thinks I'm addicted to the Internet one brother thinks I'm addicted to siren head while that part is true the siren head part but not addicted to the Internet I just use the Internet why for creative purposes only and I talk to friends and family as well as maybe someone a little special if they come around if God allows it. I also took up learning Arabic a few months back and want to keep learning the language from one of the workers at my group home. Why did I want to learn languages in the first place when I was in kindergarten someone came in with a guitar and started singing in a strange language it was French. But I could never get fringe under my belt but Arabic I was able to get through box a little bit through box and TV shows as well as movies the rest I learned from the worker like Hannah wacko con which means I love you I'm sorry that sounded crazy but that's what it sounds like Hannah who Bakugan. I think that's how you say it anyway that's what I learned I learned other things but I have to keep practising I also know how to say I rely on God in Arabic and other religious phrases that I need to say in my life because sometimes things go a little silly. So I've always tried to learn about different cultures in different languages I know how to say I love you and other things in Tibetan and I know what a curse in Japanese. And I know how to curse in French finally I got some French into my belt but that's beside the point I decide that The Oriental and Middle Eastern languages are a lot easier on me than the European languages and when I try to speak Italian or I try to speak French or Spanish I get tongue tied right away.    But worth Arabic I don't find anything wrong with the language it depends on how you interpret it like a Ajay word I'm not gonna mention the whole word can mean struggle or striving but some Dingus call a war or a type of war but really it's a fucking struggle on the inside trying to better your self and trying to be a human being and trying to be loving and caring and decent it's not about trying to hurt other people like some Dingus is think they can use that word for it to hurt people.    Those Dyngus is I'm talking about are either people who are ignorant or people who are terrorists and either way I can't stand them on either side of the fence or 911 whether you say the J word is means to kill or the J word allows you to kill it doesn't it means that you're only a human being and specially trying to better yourself for the good of the world and the better Ness of your community as well I don't think it's supposed to be a very harmful word it was never meant to be a harmful word to begin with but as I said some idiots on both sides of the fans have use that word as a hateful term.    I find whether it's the J word or just war in general is a bad thing and it causes problems like PTSD and ignorance on both sides of the fence. There are human people on both sides of the fence you either have to look at it that way or you're an asshole yourself. Her how to learn that the hard way that ignorance Causes PTSD on all kinds of levels Weatherby war terrorism or just plain stupidity or thinking euro or hot shit.  Some people think they can control other people by raping women I'm sorry for saying that or whatever or they think their religion or race are more important and they cause war and terrorism which is more of the extreme and then there's just plain ignorance like not keeping a promise and fucking up someone's life like what Charlie Richardson John had I not had a PTSD before. I find that ignorance is not bliss but it causes problems in the world and then it should be eradicated if not people should learn how to read and write and people should learn to treat other people with respect and kindness as they should be as well. Because of my PTSD I have a very positive outlook on life that something you don't usually she was someone with PTSD but because of the way I was raised and the way I think of the world I don't think that should I bring down your religious views or shoving down your ethnic views are something that should be more apparent and should be more excepting to be to be sharing of your views but not of anything of being hateful. I've been taught that Christians have been hateful people since in early age because the priest and preachers tell you what the hell they do instead of the doctor almost like Cult her I find and I don't like that.   I don't like calls either because they can cause a lot of PTSD as well because they're a former terrorist. There might not be the same elk as I am but they are still terrorist nonetheless we shouldn't be judging people on there whatever I think that people should be treated by either character and their behaviour which I said to my friend which is mixed in together behaviour and character not by DNA or by religion I think it should be either by your behaviour and your character and that's how it is shorn. And either PTSD will make you or break you or mental illness or make you or break you or something will make your break you it depends on how are you choose your fate that's what the Insane Clown Posse and Marilyn Manson get through the peoples heads by swearing and using violent unfortunately violent language. But it's important to say what he have to say as well iPhone. I don't think that the people who died on 9/11 should've died because we should be censored I think we should say what we wanna say what is in our heart and have freedom of speech to appoint but not to a point where it's going to hurt someone else intentionally. That being said that goes along's with tattoos piercings and other stuff you can do what you want but it soon as it starts affecting someone else in a negative way than it should be stymied.
My next Jeremiah Moore's I'll tell you will be more spiritual but they are not religious in any manner because I am not a very religious person I'm spiritual because of my PTSD and the loss of my grandmother. I'll tell you about that soon enough but I am not religious I believe in everything else but Jesus Christ and the devil.   Other than that I'm a sucker for everything else aliens spirits ghost your name at siren head. Even siren head has his healing purposes to know that someone has PTSD to create this wonderful creature even though he's a monster..... He was created during World War II or World War I I can't remember and then he was more or less reinvented with ever war that came along.   Soon Trevor Henderson and I still wanna have a follow up with Trevor Henderson or at least an interview with them about siren head because I'm a big believer in siren head he was the one that popularized the urban myth of siren head now you don't have to be a veteran Josie siren head now you can be whoever you say to see siren head dress as long as you have the right brain which is a traumatized brain other than that you don't see siren head.    I have more or less perpetuated the myth the actual urban myth that I saw siren head an extra mile hometown of Elmont which is near where I live now. That to be sad when I saw him I was shocked and I couldn't believe my eyes I was like I was chosen like all the other people who are traumatized by war and terrorism to be seeing siren head for the first time but this time this is during a pandemic. Usually he comes out during war and I know there's a war in Syria because I have some friends that are US military that or can I tested it and there is also an a pandemic, Thank you ingredients that you need for Siren head to pop up war and disease.
I want siren head would only come out on Halloween instead of during trouble sometimes on the planet because I find that he is a magnificent creature and I'm getting him tattooed on Christmas. That to be said I'm hoping to say that siren head is real it will be a real conversation starter because he is real. To me and to the other people who have seen him he is real he's just not restaurant Internet sensation he is also a flesh and blood demon that people see after they've been triggered severely. You're probably why I'm going on about the big pain in the ass as I call it PTSD well it's because I'm talking to someone who has PTSD someone that I just met an age are very decent seems like a decent human being said I was a decent human being for ones and I was actually pretty happy about that. I am an advocate for post traumatic stress disorder acceptance and the awareness that it should be excepted and aware as well meeting people should be excepting it more often not as a form of a serial killer or a form of a deranged school shooter or anything like that restaurant glad we're not all that I don't believe in stereotyping people because of their disabilities. That to be said if you do that you get a punch in the face for me and I know how to make a fist because I am very angry when it comes to people picking on other people because of PTSD or other disabilities why because I was called spaz out spaz case as well as retard because of my PTSD. I didn't like it very much in Catholic school if you're even one bit of out of lineyou were shit and you weren't even human.   Hi school was a little easier but anyway that was high school Barton elementary school it was like Gitmo Guantánamo Bay. Where they treated you like shit not a human being if you even exhibited any kind a difference a tattoo a piercing different hair colour different ethnicity difference and brain waves in this case with me. It was a horrible time for my life to be in Catholic school it was horrible high school was easier for me because it was more theory base instead of social-based. Social-based school I was not very good app but high school is more academic and more theoretical what is something I thrive in and also blossomed in.   It was hard school then I started my love languages through learning Japanese by watching the show Zatoichi the blind swordsman. They are very easy to learn Japanese both the savoury and non-savory Japanese language. I know how to say asshole in Japanese but then again I can say mushy mushy which means Hello.   Set an ion it up learning about Arabic and when I was 11 but that was when I was 11 this is when I was in high school I'm talking about you and I learned about Tibetan and wanted to learn more about that language. When I first got my first iPod touch I ended up getting and penpal world account and that started me on an addiction as well on penpal and seeing who might show up in my inbox and it's a very nice surprise to make a new friend. There has been some a holes on the outside that I have been nothing more than jackasses who thought superior of themselves over other people which is wrong but I also believe that I've met some good people Facebook were the people I should've not said that I had Facebook but that's beside the PowerPoint. I act the way I do online usually most of the time 99% of the time the way you would expect to treat your grandmother like gold and I get Ray reviews from other people and end up getting friend request because I am 99% of the time a decent human being that doesn't do stupid stuff online or get banned or say hateful things. I might not sugarcoat something I might say nice dick I think the doctor should see that or something to that effect but I don't go around bullying people or hating going on with hate speech I don't believe in that shit. There was one guy who didn't like draft today at all and I was going to make a recommendation saying that I like draft digital that they've been very good to me and this Dan CM decided he was going to report me for cyber bullying which was completely out of line. I thought it was really horrible and I had to make a new Facebook because of it because I would've been restricted or banned if he said some thing else again. So I just don't bother with Dan cm. Damn CM was supposed to be author but he was more of an asshole than anything else I wonder why draft a digital Bob them in the first place because he was an asshole to begin with. And I can tell he was an asshole why is review that he had nothing nice to say and usually with my philosophy is if you don't have anything nice to say just don't fucking say yet. That's what I think.   What dancy and was what is nothing more than a boy with a business suit and everything else that was came around with a stiff a stiff meeting a dead body not meaning of woody.   What do you means you like someone in a certain way what does stiff mean someone who is in a business suit lives and sleeps in a business who doesn't even get naked for a shower and does nothing but make people miserable as well I've dealt with a lot of dancy am like people who are like my principal and in elementary school and other assholes who have nothing better to do than to conform and not expressing sales in a good way that is that is horrible. And he said that they were draft a digital were a bunch of psychopaths well they've been nothing but good to me draft a digital and he said the same thing to Amazon Kindle and I said that Amazon has been nothing but good to me and then he just barked at me and barked at Facebook and told them that I was a bully. That wasn't true I don't believe in bullying. I don't sugarcoat what I say but I don't demean or hurt other people. That to be said I'm very grateful for draft to digital. As well as Amazon kindle and Chatham Tatum for helping me find these platforms to create my creations in the first place do I have to the one thing I didn't know was you have to keep updating your Amazon Kindle account whereas with draft or digital you just have to be careful of what you say if it's too spicy it'll be blocked but other than that everything's ago and I find that is very important that the value freedom of expression to a certain point I don't like that they had blocked one of my memoirs in my last trilogy of memory which was really horrible but I'm not gonna go on Facebook like Ganshyam and start saying stupid shit and start suing people because my block was blocked I'll just say well that's just how the cookie crumbles to be Muslim is to submit. And that's what I do more or less I don't submit in my relationships or sexual relationships but I do submit to what happens around me if my book happens to get blocked because it's too erotic or something then so be it that's OK so  I get angry but I don't get triggered over it.   Triggered is when you act  a psychopath and you to sue them for no reason because your book was blocked that is what triggered really is.   A very severe form of anger that's why the iPhone is what triggered is is that it's a very at the most angry that you can ever be in raged pissed off you name it beyond those words because it's triggered you're so mad it's a signal that you were pissed that you're pissed off with the world because of one small thing. And that is a sign that you may need help. Like I have triggered many people because I pissed them off just generally. For example I got one worker Nikki I'm pretty sure she got fired for less she put me in solitary not because I had Covid but because I open my fucking mouth well I shouldn't of done that in the first place but she shouldn't of violated my human rights and I was saying that my human rights were violated over this and then I was threatening to move out of my grove hall Mikasa read ever since then I never saw her again and I hope to never see her very often because she's a little shit don't ever like to say that about people but that's what she's done. And she almost killed me one time this Nikki. She kept stay keeping me up all night and then I passed out nearly died turned out I was ironed efficient and otherwise because she kept feeding people pork and I can't eat pork and my brother Brian would say that I will eat pork but that's just in front of him I don't need it in front of anyone else because it's barf city,  That and it's against my religion even though I say I'm Wicca.
I also don't believe that he should be eating meat or pork now because the religion by because you might cause the next pandemic very easily by eating a certain type of meat it doesn't matter what animal it could be wolf meet if that Wolfforth creating or carrying something it's ramped from your plate to your immune system you fucked up the whole planet with one bite and that is basically the truth favourite all I don't believe in eating meat at all I do believe in animal products I'm not a vegan but I am a form of I don't eat meat because it causes fuck ups in the world like pandemics SARS was caused by a meat and so was I think Covid I don't know what animal but I don't discriminate on the animal address discriminate on the idiot who ate the meat. So eating meat can be a very bad thing I believe them they'll shall not kill even though I'm not Christian or Muslim and Wiccan. I believe that you do not kill people in anyway which way or form and less you have to and I don't think eating meat as a former self defence.   Instead I think eating meat is a form of bioterrorism let's think about it the H1 N1 the avian flu and among others have caused a lot of shit because of meat.
With me I am very curious that World War III has not started. That's how offensive I find it and very evil and a moral and the fact that I can really fuck up a human and then the rest of the world with one bite. I'm sorry if I am very opinionated of this.

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