~☁️Chapter 1☁️~

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I will be rewriting these terribly written chapters before continuing the actual story cuz when I originally published this I had not thought much about what to do with it before publishing

so rewriting these chapters for the sake of my sanity<3 oh and I have motivation problems right now so don't mind me if I take awhile before actually publishing a new chapter for y'all😔

3rd pov

A demon individual stared at the plotforms in front of them, they were standing on one that was upside down... or is it sideways? the infinity fortress is always so confusing isn't it? but we're guessing the demon individual is standing on one that is upside down as her long hair flowing above her head as its obviously its upside down at the moment, the infinity fortress was quiet as usual as the demon individual looked towards where it should be the floor but the infinity fortress is always so confusing, you never knew when it's the floor, walls or even the ceiling, all your knowledge of it all just goes out the window once you enter the infinity fortress for the first time

the demon individual could hear a biwa as the infinity fortress shifted once again and it seems like this individual is now standing right up as their long hair fell down to her shoulders "What a mess" the demon individual said with a frown as her hair became a mess from the infinity fortress shifting but it didn't matter as the individual fixed her messy hair

once the demom individual was done they heard a soft landing then soft footsteps approaching them from behind but they already knew who it was "Nee-san" the individual from behind called out to the individual on the same platform, once the individual heard the other calling out to them to gain their attention so she turned around

what the older demon saw was a female, her black turning to flame-orange hair reaching just below the waist as the flame-orange color in her hair passed her elbow, her eyes were of a pale pink color with "Upper rank 2" engraved into her eyes

the younger demon was wearing a pink kimono and a hemp leaf pattern on the beautiful pink kimono with a red and white  checkered obi, a orange threaded obijime over the checkered obi and a green obiage just slightly higher then the checkered obi and wore what looks like a dark brown haori if you look closely, she wore her haori losely as a pink ribbon was tied around some of her hair "Nee-san more demon slayers are approaching rui, too many to be exact that a hashira might appear soon" the younger one said with a monotone voice that if you were to listen closer you could tell the unhappiness in her voice "That's not good at all" the older demon said with a frown "Muzan-sama is sending us to rui incase something were to happen to rui or a hashira appears" the younger one said

"Ara? We must get going soon or now, we can't be wasting time now Nezuko" The older one said with a smile before turning around "Of course Sumiko" The younger one called Nezuko replied in a monotone voice once again, both were on mission mode now

"Nakime! we need to get going to rui!" The older one called Sumiko called out to someone named Nakime, there was silence before a biwa was heard a second later and soon Sumiko and Nezuko weren't in the infinity fortress anymore "let's go" Sumiko said with a monotone voice as she soon started walking to the mountain rui is living on currently, Sumiko's black and sea foam green checkered haori flowed with the wind as sumiko wore it losely just like Nezuko, her plain white kimono moved slightly as sumiko walked while nezuko followed beside sumiko

Sumiko walked through the forest on the mountain as both upper 2 saw many bloody dead bodies and a strong scent of blood through the air that sumiko could smell very clearly "this place smells terrible" Sumiko said blandly before she jumped up to stand on a tree branch with Nezuko following "Let's quickly find Rui" Sumiko said before quickly jumping from branch to branch and nezuko followed as they both searched for rui

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