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Mia sat in the hospital room She was scared. She was scared that she was going to loose her baby and she knew that she didn't want that, she looked as Iain walked in and frowned as he walked over to her

"are you okay" he asked as he took a hold of her head as she looked to him and smiled slightly

"no I'm scared, I don't want to loose this baby, I love her so much and I don't want to lose her and she is not even here yet" mia said as Iain kissed the top of her head and smiled

"I know, I know that your scared but I am here and it's going to be oaky, we have to be positive and think that our little girl is a fighter" he said as he placed a hand in her bump as Mia looked to him and smiled.

Mia knew that he was trying to be positive for her and she knew that it scared her but she knew that she had to be positive.

She had to be positive and believe that her baby was going to be okay and that she wasn't going to loose her and she knew that she couldn't cope if she lose her baby

"she's your going to be okay I promise" Iain said as he kissed the top of her head as she looked to him and smiled. She hoped that he was right as she knew how scared that she was

Mia sat in the room and looked to see grace as she walked in "are you okay" Grace asked as Mia sighed

"I don't know"

"well I do. I have your results and you are not loose the baby, it is going to be okay. It's just the stress and your blood pressure which is why as your nerve that you are going to be on bed rest for a few weeks and don't try and disagree with me as it's on Charlie's orders and you know that you can't win against Charlie" grace said as Mia nodded, she rested a hand on her bump and sighed

"are you sure that the baby is okay"

"this baby girl is fine and she is going to stay okay as long as her mummy does as she is told, I know that you are worried and scared but you don't need to be, it is going to be okay' grace said as she pulled Mia close and hugged her

Mia hugged her back and smiled. Mia knew that things were a mess and how she was scared and the fact that she could of lost the baby

she knew that she didn't and she was glad, she knew she had been under a lot of stress lately but she knew no matter what that she had to put her baby first

Iain stood in the ED as he signed mias discharge forms and saw Rita

"how is she" Rita asked as Iain looked to her and frowned

"do you care or all of this. Is it an act as she doesn't need the stress of it all. She's having a baby and I won't risk her loosing it so if your serious don't put her at risk" Iain said,

Iain knows how much he loved Mia and he knew that she was going through a lot and he knew he'd do anything for her to make sure that they could do it, so that they could make it work but we're Iain and Mia strong enough to handle it all?

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