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Mia sighed to herself as she got to work. She sat in her car in the car park and sighed. Mia placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She felt sick, Mia looked as her phone rang and picked it up and looked to it and sighed as she saw that Iain was ringing her. Mia declined the call and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Mia has been avoiding Iain since she found out hat she was pregnant. She knew it was his baby and that she would have to tell him sooner or later but she knew that once he knew it was real and that she would have to except it. Mia didn't know what she was going to do. One night had changed everything and she knew that once Rita learnt the truth that she would hate Mia and Mia knew that it was the last thing that she wanted or needed

Mia stood from the car and walked off into the ed and into the staffroom. She stood at her locker and sighed as she scrolled through her phone "hey" she heard cal say as he walked in. Mia looked to him and smiled slightly "I know that you are still mad at me, but I'm sorry Mia. I really want to make it work with us" he said as Mia looked to him and smiled, Mia knew she and cal weren't serious but he had hurt her in the past and that now everything with Iain and the baby she knew that it would be the worst thing possible for her to get involved with cal, it wasn't fair "I don't know" Mia said as he looked to her and smiled "please, I Blum want you. There's no one else. I want to make it work" cal said as she looked to him and sighed not knowing what to do


Mia sat in the staffroom and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. She was feeling nauseous and was trying to fight the urge to be sick. Mia looked up at Rita walked in. Rita looked to Mia and frowned. She could tell that there was something up with her daughter "are you okay" Rita asked as she walked over to Mia "I will be" "what's going on?" Rita asked as Mia looked to her and sighed "I'm pregnant" Mia said as Rita looked to her and sighed. She sat next to Mia and hugged her "it's going to be okay" Rita said unaware that her boyfriend was the one who had fathered her daughter's baby


Mia stood in cubicles later that day. She walked over to fill out some paperwork as Iain walked in. Mia tried to ignore him as he walked over to her "I think we need to talk" he said as Mia looked to him and rolled her eyes "we have nothing to say" "we do, your pregnant and I know it's mine and you didn't think I had a right to know" Iain said as Mia looked to him and sighed not knowing what to say or do

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