Dear, Peter Parker.

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"Dear, Peter Parker.

This is probably the weirdest letter you'll receive from me. I noticed yours and I had to make one too, it kinda seemed like your thing. It still weirds me out how you haven't told me what's on it yet.

At the point of writing this I know things. Not a lot but I know them. Well, a better way of putting it is, I remember things. Things I didn't before. You were apart of my life in some way, I have no idea how, for how long, nor how close we were. There was something there, I know that, whether it was a crush on a friend or a relationship I'm unsure. But we were once close.

But I still feel like I haven't known you that long. I remember you coming into the coffee shop that first time, you were a stranger. By the end of that meeting I felt as though something was up, you seemed familiar, but you were a stranger. I memorised you order within a week, and by Christmas you were a regular.

Then we got a little closer, and now, whenever our hands touched I had what me and my friends call 'visions' they actually want me to go to the doctors about it, especially after the second one, they were concerned, which is what friends do.

Another weird thing I discovered that night... You're in a lot of old photos of me and my friends, Those memories you weren't there, I remember those days almost perfectly, the day I became Decathlon captain - the memory was different you weren't there in my mind. But there's a photo of the team, you were present.

It's been a month since that day and I haven't had any of those 'visions' since. We have talked, I've handed you coffee, but I've been distant and I'm sorry. I'm just scared, it's not of you it's about the whole situation it's weird, we touch hands, and I go to sleep? I understand there's whole magic stuff going on in this world with the whole Avengers thing that was going on. But this is another level of weird, Betty and Ned think I should go to the doctors about the visions. But like I said, I haven't had any for a month now.

But. I noticed there's a chance I was falling in love with you in those visions, I felt everything, all the emotions, and I felt safe with you. And if I'm correct, and these are memories. I may actually like you again, I have no idea why I'm writing this in a letter, but letters seem like you're thing, and I really struggle talking to people.

I can't help falling in love with you (again) | PeterMJWhere stories live. Discover now