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Mr. Reynolds' office matched his rumored personality; cold, calculating, cruel. There wasn't a shred of good energy in the room as Kera, Miles, and Vick were guided inside, and the glacial atmosphere within chilled Kera's body, stiffening her muscles. The walls were a pristine white that hurt to look at, and Kera could see herself reflected in the shiny metal floor; so well, in fact, that she redressed herself from her head-between-her-knees position to no longer have to face her own disappointment. Her gold and green eyes had showed it—they glowed at her, glared at her, asked why she was there, what she'd done, what would happen.

Mr. Reynolds had an array of police batons, whips, daggers, and swords hanging from the wall behind his giant, paperwork crowded desk. Gleaming, polished weapons that Kera wasn't certain were legal; but then again, who knew anymore? Since the Ivies' destruction, most campuses had hired armed forces to prevent more riots and ruining of property. It wasn't that uncommon for officers to wander around campuses at night, keeping watch for suspicious behavior.

At Valence, they had Mr. Reynolds to oversee such things. And Mr. Reynolds was a man of many tasks—Dean's Assistant, head of security, lead punisher, and master of expelling students.

Was that the plan tonight? Being expelled? Kera gulped the acid gathering in her mouth and prayed she wouldn't have to call her parents and tell them she was coming home.

She was close, so close—she'd started her Junior year with flying colors, had accumulated so much knowledge, and had put her scholarship to great use. She had so many plans for after college, for professional prospects, for developing programs to help this world recover. If she was kicked out now, she'd never get a chance. And her parents would be so, so upset with her. All their savings, all their hard work to get her in thrown out the door because she'd snuck into a party for a research paper.

At least she wasn't alone in the office; not that that was in the least bit reassuring, as the two other occupants wouldn't stop glowering at her. Especially Vick Leroy—the conspiring friend that Mr. Reynolds had singled out at the party—who'd flipped his chair around specifically to send seething stares her way.

"I knew you weren't invited," he muttered under his breath, narrowing his dark chocolate eyes at her. Red threads laced through them, giving him the appearance of a drugged mad man about to punch her and rob her.

To further enhance the image, he kept shifting his position, switching which leg crossed over the other. His medium length locks of brown hair were matted with sweat—despite it being winter—and his white shirt was stained with... honestly, Kera wasn't sure she wanted to know.

He'd been the second guy who'd stopped her after she crept into the party. She hadn't been able to see his face, but his voice—she'd recognized that. Squeaky but stern, choked up but to the point. She'd heard him many times during her days of eavesdropping Miles' conversations, but Vick wasn't much to listen to.

He was a scumbag—he chain-smoked cigarettes by the cafeteria, slept with drunken girls who could barely consent to his advances, and boasted about his prouesses to anyone within earshot. He wasn't a bad looking guy—most girls thought he had that bad boy, rebellious, tenebrous look about him that would make anyone weak in the knees—but his attitude was a major turnoff for anyone who'd caught wind of his reputation. Most people had overheard his bullshit, and yet, he prevailed in his exploits, nonetheless.

Miles didn't approve of his behavior, Kera knew; but they'd been childhood friends and their parents were close, so he retained Vick in his circle.

She'd witnessed Miles speaking of Vick when he wasn't around, after some of their other friends had complained about him. "I hate him, but he's like my brother. If I shun him, he'll get the shit kicked out of him. He's not as tough as he looks and pretends to be." Which only warmed Kera's heart towards Miles, seeing how generous and kind he was towards someone who didn't deserve it.

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