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  "AHHHhh— cheese & crackers!"

  You were startled by the giant Sun animatronic standing in front of you right as you opened your bedroom door. Sun and Moon have been living with you for at least a week now, and you still will never get used to Sunny sneaking up on you at random times of the day.

  "Sorry, [Y/N]! I didn't mean to give you a startle," Sun giggled, "but to be fair, your reactions are really funny." you huffed as you pushed passed him and head into the kitchen to grab yourself some breakfast, the clanking of Sun walking behind you followed. He liked to watch you cook, sometimes he asks you to teach him, you did once but the second you turned around the food was covered in random ingredients, somehow he snuck a crayon into pancakes. You didn't own crayons.

  You also figured out that Sun was solar powered, your uncle had upgraded his charging method. So sometimes you'll sit outside in your backyard so he can charge. You two would talk about different things, but you would normally ramble, and he listened. That was what you liked about Sun. He'll listen to you, unlike anyone else. He always seemed so invested in anything you said.

  We don't forget about Moon, so at night Moon helped you sleep, he was surprisingly soft and plush, like a giant pillow. He was a good cuddle buddy, and you honestly felt safer in his hold at night. Your first impression with him wasnt too friendly, but now that you actually spend time with him he was very pleasant.

  Sometimes Moon made non-caffinated tea for you when you had trouble sleeping, you would talk and drink your tea until you felt sleepy, then he put you to bed.

  Moon was wind powered, so he sometimes sat in front of a fan to charge, it was kind a funny to watch and you two liked to talk into the fan, making silly noises with the fan and laughing about it like you were a little kid again.

  You enjoyed the two animatronic's company, and they enjoyed yours.

— ☀️


This is more scenarios, but I'm running out of ideas. It's a short chapter but I needed something to write for this.

I'm really sorry if this is starting to get boring.

Also heres a quick design I did of Sunny :}

Hopefully next chapter will be more interesting

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Hopefully next chapter will be more interesting

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