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Eric often visited, to see Sun of course. So it wasn't too out of the blue to hear some knocking on your door.  You of course assumed it was Eric, though found it a bit odd that he didn't notify you sooner, probably was a stop-by thing, might've came by on his way home from work.

  You opened the door, fully expecting the ravenette to be standing there, but no you found your former boss to be standing there, along with two fazbear employees.

"Hello again, [Y/N]! Oh it's so nice to see you, and I see you spiffyed up Sun and Moon? Glad to see they're in good shape." she shook your hand with a grin. "Yeah! Hi again, may I ask why you're here today? Along with some fazbear employees...?" her grin grew wider as she let go of your hand, "We'll be taking Sun and Moon back! I'm sure you would be thrilled to have them off your shoulders and back in Fazbear custody." your smile faltered a little, take them back? Wait were they just freeloading off the fact you said you could fix them? Besides the fact you were slightly fuming on the inside you put your smile up again, trying to not make it too obvious you weren't too truthful.

  "Of course. I assume they'll be working in the daycare again?" Your manager shook her head "Oh no no no, you see, they haven't made us much money, so we'll be using them as scrap for a new, more polished and popular character! I hope you don't mind I know you just repaired them but we need a new asset to the glamrocks since Freddy's disappearance!" you stared at her, smile threatening to turn into a frown.

  Sun had peeked around the corner of the hallway, taking a listen into your conversation, had they really planned to make him and his brother into scrap metal? Oh no, he wasn't ready to be used as new accessories for a new animatronic! He ran up to you and hugged you tightly from behind, "[Y/N]! [Y/N] please don't let them recycle me and Moon!" he sniffed as if really crying, "I don't want to disappear... I really enjoy being with you and I'm sure Moon does too!" he looked at your manager with sad eyes, "Please miss! I-I don't want to die, I don't wanna be used for recycling please we can be better! Me and Moon are now separate animatronics we can perform seperately! Please!" he begged.

  "I see this scrap of metal has taking a liking to you, hm, [Y/N]? Probably gets pretty annoying, so we'll gladly take him off your ha—" "You can't have them." she looked at you wide eyed, "Pardon?"

  That was the last straw, "You can't. Have them." you were done, fed up with this woman. You slammed the door in her face. Let her call the cops, she legally gave you rights to your animatronics. Plus, they were too sentient to be cooped up in a small daycare area. You looked back at Sun, "I won't let her take you," you held him by his face and brung him down gently, "you and Moon will be safe in my care, no one is being used for scrap."


  She flung her arms in the air, steam practially coming out of her ears. After that whole ordeal your manager had angrily went back to the pizzaplex to rant to herself in the mirror she had in her office. "i cannot believe the audacity of that wretched person! How dare they shut the door in my face like that— how DARE they say I cannot use Sun and Moon for scraps, they're worth less than a penny! They didn't make profit and they didn't do much so why keep them! I never had sold over rights NEVER." she slammed her hands on the wall, breathing heavily as she stared at herself.

  She brushed herself off, fixing her hair and collecting herself. "Well I'll have to make do of that now." she grabbed her walkie-talkie,

"Vanessa. Come to my office please, I need you for something."


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