Part three-The show must go on!

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(Charles' POV)

The next morning, I felt like crap! I started having symptoms of the stomach virus, but the show must go on! Lilly peeked into my bunk.

"Are you okay, Char?" Lilly asked

"No," I said "I feel like crap."

"What's wrong?"

"My stomach is all messed up." I held my stomach

"Awww man," Lilly said "that sucks!"

"Yep," I said "it sucks bad....real bad."

"Are you still gonna play the show?" I asked

"Yeah," I said "the show must go on!"

(Lilly's POV)

Charles woke up feeling sickly, so I went to the store to buy him medicine for his stomach. When I came back to the bus, I gave Charles the medicine and then opened a text as I walked to the back lounge. It was from Isaac, that guy I met at the bar.

I: hey Lilly.

L: omg hi I didn't expect you to get to me so soon.

I: wow lol. what are you up to?

L: just chillin in the tour bus. I was at the store when you texted.

I: why?

L: my brother isn't feeling well so I got him some medicine.

I: I hope he feels better

L: he said thanks.

I: well Lilly when are we going to hang out?

L: idk when but we'll see.

I: see you soon

L: see you.

Coley comes into the back lounge.

"Where were you?" Coley asked

"The store." I said

"Why the store?"

"Getting stuff for Charles."

"Oh." he said as he noticed the medicine on Charles' bunk.

"Yep." I said, obviously concerned.

I hear Charles vomiting in the bathroom.

"Are you alright?" I asked

"I just threw up." He said

"Aww." I said

"Yep this sucks." Charles said

"I just want my brother to feel better!" I said

"I will." Charles assured me

Later on, it was time for the show and Charles still played it like the bada** that he is. Only once he had to take a second and breathe. After the show, we all went back to the tour bus and relaxed.

Danny and Travis were playing Fifa. Charles was laying down in his bunk. We wanted to kinda sit back and relax for the night. 

"I really feel like poop!" Charles said

(Charles' POV)

I wanted to lay down and look at twitter.

ctfxc_fangurl- charlestrippy: FEEL BETTER!!!

ctfxcofficial- charlestrippy: I hope you feel well soon

xtaylor_12x-  charlestrippy: Awwww feel better soon :(

I saw many other tweets as well and they were so adorable!! I love the CTFxC!! That made me feel loved and especially when I feel crappy as well. 

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