The Power Of Math (Midorima Shintaro)

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"Why does it have to be so evil?" You groaned as you tried your hardest to solve this SINGLE math equation. You stared at the equation and banged your head on the table, groaning of pain, both physically and mentally.

"Oi, don't kill yourself for an equation, nanodayo!" You heard your carrot friend say as he walked his way towards you. You looked up at up teary eyed "But Shin-chan~ This equation is evil! No, not the equation, math is!" You exclaimed as you showed him the equation.

Midorima read the equation and pushed his glasses up. "Baka 'nodayo. You just substitute x with 7, nanodayo." You blinked at him dumbfounded. "A re?"

Midorima sighed and took a sit beside you and soon taught you an easy formula for the equation. "....and you should get 18 as an answer nanodayo." Midorima finished his sentence only to hear snoring.

He turned to look at you only to see you sleeping peacefully. Midorima's vein popped at this then shook you awake. "Oi (name) nanodayo! Wake up!" You groaned at him slowly waking up. "Shin-chan~ take me home, I'm tired~"

Midorima sighed and said "I won't do that nanodayo. Do you know how heavy you are, nanodayo?" He pushed his glasses to cover up his blush as he saw you pout at him. "But Shin-chan~" You whined. Midorima soon gave up and squatted down, offering his back to you.

You climbed up his back blushing. 'Shin-chan's back is so warm.' You thought as you snuggled his back, falling asleep. Midorima blushed as you did so. 'It's not like I'm doing this because I like (name) or something, nanodayo.' He thought as he made his way over to your house.


A/N: You sneaky carrot, you taught our reader math so you could carry her home, didn't you? :3

Midorima: I did no such thing nanodayo *blushes*

Me: tsun tsun~ :3 I don't own kuroko no basuke minna ~ :3 till next time

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