4: Embarassing moments

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***Abigail's POV***

Once we arrive at the mall, we started deciding where to eat our lunch.

"Abigail, since you're the new member of our group, where do we eat?" Arianne says to me.

"I'm not sure. Maybe...Fridays?" I tell them.

They all agree, nodding they're heads. I smile.

As we head to Fridays, Kesha appears by my side saying, "It's great to have you here with us. Anyway, I saw you looking at Josh. I think hearts were forming in your pupils or something. Haha! The others noticed it, too. Except Josh. I think."

I blush. What is happening to you Abigail Collins? I thought, looking down.

"Well, you and your friends are great observers. Also, there weren't hearts in my pupils!" I whisper-shouted to Kesha. She just laughs silently.

"You have a crush on Josh, right?" Kesha asks me.

I punch her lightly on the shoulder. "No! I just think he's....cute that's all," I say.

"Oh really? I'm not buying it," Kesha says smiling teasingly.

"Excuse me, it's not for sale," I say, laughing at my little joke. Kesha laughs too.

"Here we are, guys. Fridays," Lance exclaims.

We head inside and take our seats in this long table with nine seats. Since we're only seven, we put our bags in the three chairs remaining.

I take my seat between Kesha and Patricia, Lance and Josh are in front of me.

The waitress hands us three menus and we start deciding what to eat.

After we ordered, we started talking about school and how's life going for all of us.

We were talking about our embarassing moments and I had one in mind. I didn't want to share it with them. I mean, who would share their embarassing moments to people you just met?

Now that would be embarassing.

"How about you, Abigail? What are your embarassing moments?" Patricia asks me. I can feel all eyes looking at me.

Don't worry, Abigail. It's not like they will spill it to anyone. They're so kind. I should trust them with this. I thought.

But, what if they'll spill it? My whole world will be crashing down once the whole school will know it. It's too embarassing for me to tell anyone. I just really, really hate that day.

"It's fine if you don't wanna share it, Abigail. I mean, you really think we're gonna spill it because you don't really know us well enough," Keith says, grinning at me.

"Don't worry. We promise we won't spill it," Arianne says, giving me also a smile.

I take a deep breath and start, "Okay. So, I was eleven when that happened. Me, my Mom and my older sister, Chloe were eating dinner at Pizza Hut. That time, I wanted a pepperoni pizza with hot sauce. My mom told me that was gonna be very spicy, but I told her I could handle it. When I started eating, I felt my throat burning. Tears were getting out of my eyes. I started heading to the restroom, but halfway from our table, I started choking and vomiting! People were at my side and asking if I was okay. My mom and Chloe came to my side. I still couldn't stop vomiting. After I calmed down and stopped vomiting, Mom and Chloe brought me home so that I could have rest. I now promise myself that I will never order pepperoni pizza. Even with hot sauce," I finished.

They all laughed and I joined in their laughter.

"Wow. Moral lesson learned?" Lance asked me.

I nodded, "Moral lesson learned," I replied with a grin.

It feels great to have friends like these. They would laugh, not tease you or bully you.

I hope they won't tell anyone about that.

Once our orders arrived, we started eating and talking about another subject.

I don't know how long have I been with these new friends of mine, but who's counting anyways?


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