9: Called to the office

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***Abigail's POV***

I sit on my usual chair in History class along with Patricia and Lance. We talk about nerds and the popular students here in Ambrose.

"I mean Cassie is just so in love with Josh. She even said in front of many people that the girls who like Josh should back off cause she is known as the 'future mrs. Waters'," Patricia explains, making hand gestures while saying, 'future mrs. Waters'.

"Did Josh know?" I asked, curiously.

"Yep. He was there when Cassie said it. Josh is like so annoyed with Cassie. Cassie always goes to him and all she does is flirt. She even skips her classes just to wait on Josh's locker and surprise him! She is such a b-i-t-c-h when it comes to Josh," Patricia explains, rolling her eyes.

"She is truly one female dog," I say, triumphantly.

The teacher comes in and we all stand up to greet her. She greets us back and we sit back to our seats.

Halfway through the class, the tiny, speaker where the principal or teachers sometimes speak for announcements, turns on. The secretary's voice booms into the speaker.

"Miss Abigail Collins. Please report to the principal's office right away. Thank you,"

My eyes widen, Lance and Pat giving me a thumbs up.

"Well, you heard what she said, Miss Collins. Go," the teacher says. I stand up quickly and head out. But before I close the door, I hear the teacher mutter, "She is in big, big trouble."

* * * * * *

I knocked on the principal's door and an elderly voice said, "Come in."

I headed inside and saw the principal. Her white hair was up in a bun and she was wearing eyeglasses as she flipped through these white pages.

As I closed the door, she looked up and gave me a stern look. "Are you miss Abigail Collins?" the principal asks me. I nodded nervously.

"Please take a seat," she goes as I sit on the chair in front of her.

There was an uncomfortable silence as she stared at me. It seemed like she was observing my looks or something. Weird.

After five minutes of staring, she finally speaks up, "So miss Abigail, I hear you pranked a certain girl three days ago," she says, looking down the piles of papers.

"Ummm...well, I wasn't alone.." I started. The principal slams the table with her hand.

"I don't need your foolish acts, miss Abigail! You are one of the transferees in Ambrose so I suggest you better stop what you are doing!" The principal exclaims.

"I'm sorry, miss Principal but I believe tha-"

"Nonsense! I think I know why you have been pranking students today..." the principal interrupts me as she gives me those stern looks.

"Are you friends with Kesha Olsen?" she asks, curiously.

I nodded my head again.

She sighed as I fiddled with my fingers.

Again, she starts talking, "I should've known. Her and her gang of 'troublemakers' are always the ones causing trouble. I've been always called my students who were pranked by them. But I couldn't believe that new student like you would join them. I suggest, miss Abigail, you leave them alone. Find other friends so that you can surivive this school year,"

I narrowed my eyes to her. "I don't want to find other friends, miss Principal. Besides, I fit in with them. They may look bad in the outside but you never know how they are in the inside. You talk about them as if they never cry and that they're not afraid of anything. But you know what? They do cry and they are afraid of certain things. Do whatever you want. Just don't judge who my type of friends would be," I exclaimed, giving her my own stern look.

"Miss Abigail, if you don't change that attitude of yours, I will suspend you from this school. Believe me, I can do that," the principal threatens as she slams both her hands on the wooden table.

I roll my eyes, walking away. Once I held the doorknob, I turned around and gave the principal a sweet smile and said,

"Whatever, miss Principal."

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