Anything for Your Smile: Suho Angst

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Suho POV

I've been in love.... In love with my childhood friend, _______. She was always happy and there was a smile on her face all the time. Although as we were slowly going to high school, she kept mentioning stuff about love and relationships. I was waiting for a chance to tell her, but every chance I got failed. I wanted her to know how much I felt this way about her, but I was too afraid, too cowardly, too dumb enough to say anything to her before she found a lover.........

"Oppa! Guess what!" "What?" I said to ______. "I got a...... Boyfriend!" My heart fell when I heard her say that.... I felt my heart drop to my feet and I felt the pit of my stomach become numb. "J-Jinjja?" I said with a soft tone. "Ne!" She said as she nodded happily. I wanted to just die right away when she found a lover. As years past, many questions lingered in my mind. Will she marry him? Does he treat her well? Is he the love of her life? Is she happy? How will I move on? How will I live with her loving another? I felt myself become depressed, but seeing her smile made me realize..... That her smile is worth it. If she's happy.... Then I don't mind waiting a minute, a hour, a day, a month, a year, or even a century... Cause I love and care for her that much.....

The Wedding Day

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest said.... Seeing her kiss someone else broke me, but seeing her smile... Her smile.... Is the reason why I'm still alive.... "Suho oppa! You came!" "Hehe... Yeah, I came to your wedding. What kind of friend would I be, if I didn't come to my friend's wedding day." "Haha, of course, my bestfriend would come to my wedding day!" She said as she put her arm on my shoulder..... Friend huh..... Friend.... Yeah, a friend is who I am to her, it hurts just being friends with her, but if she's happy this way, then I'm okay with things just being like this.... Our childhood together has ended and heading our separate ways are slowly coming.... Creating a family and growing old with your lover..... We wouldn't be as close as before, but as long as I can at least be there for her is just fine for me.... For your smile..... I would do anything.

A Few Years later

"Suho.... I have to tell you something..." "What is it, ________?" I then saw her sigh and I knew that something was wrong... "Oppa... I.... I'm dying....." I felt my heart drop as she said that. "M-Mwoh?" I said softly. "Ne.... I have a certain type of heart cancer.... I'm dying in a few months...." I then saw a tear leave her eye. I hated seeing her tears because this isn't the _____ I knew... This was a completely different ______, the one I knew was happy and smiling all the time. Seeing her in this state made me feel depressed and sad as I could no longer see her smiling face. At this moment, I knew what I had to do... What I had to do to see her smile once again...

A Few Months Later

Suho POV

After months of being in the hospital. _______'s body was slowly becoming weak and frail. I hated seeing her this way, hated how she wasn't her usual self. I didn't want her to leave before me.... I then took a deep breath and soon blacked out.

Narrator POV

_____ soon had a procedure that saved her life.... But what happened you ask?

Your POV

I was groggily waking up and I was confused. Why am I still in my hospital room? Where's the doctor? I need to talk to him... The doctor soon came in and I blurted, "Doctor.... Why am I still alive? I thought I died..." The doctor seemed to have a troubled face. After a long pause, "You..... You know your friend..." I was confused.... Until, "Wait..... Do you mean Suho?" The doctor sadly nodded his head and he then explained to me, "Your friend, Suho..... He... He had the same blood type and he....." "He did what?" I asked. "Suho.... He gave you his own heart to save you.... "W-What....." I felt like my/Suho's heart was breaking apart... Suho gave me his life to save mine.... "Although... He did tell me to give you this..." The doctor handed me a neatly folded piece of paper and as I opened it, I felt myself break down into tears.


"_____-ah, anyoung! You just woke up, huh!?

Haha.... I wanted to write you this note, so you won't feel sad. _______-ah.... I tried my hardest to write this note for you, but I couldn't find any words to explain what I feel.... ______-ah.... I gave you my heart.... Because I love you..... It felt so painful knowing you were going to marry someone else, I felt so sad, but when I saw your smile.... I knew that I wanted to be next to you no matter what. Although not as a lover, but as a friend. Wow.... Hearing the word friend hurt me, but I knew that I at least want to be something next to a lover, a friend.... I gave you my heart because I want to see your bright personality again... I wanted to see your smile... Your beautiful, bright smile again.... I love you, _______-ah... Anyoung..." I felt many tears falling from my face as I wiped them off my face. I never knew he cared for me so much... I never knew that he even loved me.... I've never cried so much before in my life....

3 Months later

After I recovered, Suho's heart adjusted in my body, and I went to the cemetary. "Anyoung.... Suho Oppa.... I miss you already... Your heart also adjusted in my body too.... Well you knew me so well, that even my body couldn't reject you.... Hehe.... I know that your love will be with me.... I know that you will always live on with me and be in here...." *points to chest* I then gave him the smile that he loved and then left the cemetary.... "I'll miss you.... Suho Oppa...."

The End

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