The Begining of the journey

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We start on 28th September 2021 at a school. 3 friends were having a laugh. These friends consisted of Dafydd, Morgan and Amythest. They are 14 years old. About an hour passed and while they were just coming in after their lunch break a cryogenic freeze struck the earth keeping everyone but the terrorists that caused this in a safe but unconscious slumber.

During the years while everyone was frozen the group of terrorists stated creating a huge army of robots, very similar to those in the games of Horizon Zero Dawn, that will soon be released to the world...

The date is 6921 June 21st
The freeze was over, it happened so suddenly people remembered nothing except the fact of ice covering their bodies.
People had developed powers while sleeping. And well our protagonists had an assortment of quirks between them while the boys could feel something odd about them. They were confused to see that they were the only students from their school to be frozen and when they wondered around they saw the truth..... Amythest had gone missing.

July: Life proceeded as normal except for the fact of the school was very small after a couple other students joined up. They had a healing doctor there with the power to restore you to full health as long as you have enough endurance. And a doctor that could tell you what ability you have (what I will call quirks for the point of this story).
The 2 have a variety of quirks and have all grown closer as the original Corbet duo and they are given special privileges by the teachers, this makes their lives very easy and have been able to bond extremely well.

September: It was a normal day for Dafydd as him and his brother, Ieuan, were having a laugh outside, then the inevitable and heart crushing thing started...

It landed with such force its impact was felt throughout the village of Maesbury Marsh. But it was where it landed that drove the two boys near insanity. They charged at the gigantic robot T-rex that landed on their house instantly killing their family inside. Despite being 10 meters tall and having a chainsaw for a jaw they charged at it, even though ieuan couldn't do anything to help he was driven with rage and was quickly shredded into pieces before somehow going down the mechanical throat that the beast had. This ended Dafydd's sanity, and he summoned his sword and struck it deep into the tungsten hide. It let out a roar and flung Dafydd away causing alot of self-damage. Dafydd got up slowly a grimace of hatred across his face. This time he sliced at the wired neck making a deep gash that spewed all fuel down the body and over Dafydd. Then the boy had to make sure it was dead, so he quickly embodied it in water destroying the hardware.

He remembered about his brother and cut open the underside of the beast it split easily and there he was in one piece even if some of that piece was robotic. He was unconscious and Dafydd soon copied due to exhaustion.

It was 1 hour later when they both came to, and within seconds they rushed to where they always kept a spare radio. They turned it on and it said, "The robots have invaded in Melverly and Shrew...." It never managed to finish the sentence as the line went dead and a message from the terrorists went live, warning people of the power of these machines and how only the strong will be left alive for them to capture.

They ignored the 2nd message and were already out on their feet traveling towards where their friends lived before then end of that message. Morgan in Melverly was the closest and so Dafydd got the water he used to finish the beast solidified it a bit and carried himself there. They agreed to meet up in Baschurch. Before heading to Shrewsbury where their final friend lay waiting even if he was an online one, he had a selection of important quirks that could be useful. They hoped he survived long enough for them to get there.

At the Richard's residence: it was a mess as Dafydd arrived, houses burning and floors broken into shards of what they originally should of been but some things were promising: trapped heads of machines were laying in the ground with other body parts sticking out a couple meters back. As Dafydd approached Morgan's house he saw something he never wanted to, Morgan was standing dead eyed staring at a cat-like machine from the roof of a house. The blood covered machine was trapped in a mass of marshy tarmac that was solidifying slowly. Dafydd went to comfort Morgan but as he walked over the other boy muttered something in a emotion choked voice " protect me from insanity" to prove his point of being practically insane as the cat broke free of the marsh he rushed at it a piece of sharpened pipe in his hand that he shoved deep into the grinding mouth of the cat while laughing maniacally as the cat received its last pulse of electricity, it struck him hard slashing his flesh on his chest deep oozing cuts that for some reason were healing. This is when the world suddenly knew that Morgan had a very strong regeneration quirk.

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