The fun is always unmeasurable.

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The one who knows POV:
I looked back from my computer, almost falling off the chair i sat atop, I gasped. "M-my c-c-classm-mates are v-villains.... Who do I tell? It public knowledge these guys held T-The Number 1 villain Hostage with no casualties. So even the teachers here can't beat them. But then why would they be here? Ahh this makes no sense!" She sat in silence after this rant and processed if she shall tell the students, Aizawa and Midnight sensei. She made up her mind and walked to her bed lying down and awaited for sleep to claim her. What she didn't know was that she wasn't alone with that knowledge.

Narrator POV:

The class woke up oblivious to the discovery last night. As they sat eating breakfast they all split into 3 definitive friend groups. The biggest in the room was the group consisting of Shihai, Kendo, Jiro, Momo, Setsuna, Juzo, Amythest and Awase, this collection of students seemed to be the ones that wanted to become heroes the most and were very serious about school work. They mostly discussed about different quirks and how each of their is different and how they could be useful on the battlefield. The second largest was Dafydd, Dylan, Morgan, oRevi, Touka, Mayumi and Rieko who more or less were just weebs that talked about different series they were interested in and joked about aimlessly, just trying to make each other smile with corny jokes and stupid faces. The smallest but loudest group consisted of Tokoyami, Denki, Kirishima, Mina, Bakugo and Blade these were people constantly trying to annoy one another with their overly energetic personalities. The groups stayed together on the walk to class and only broke away from each other when The teachers came in. "Well today I have 2 announcements. The first is that tomorrow we will be going to the USJ t-" 

AHHHHH WE ARE GOING TO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN!?" Denki and Mina shouted excitedly in unison. "As i was about to say before i was rudely interrupted" Aizawa continued, glaring at the two. "We will be going to the USJ training facility to do some rescue training in the different environments they offer there, so get a good nights sleep and make sure to get your hero suits repaired if they were damaged in yesterdays lesson. And the second announcement will affect your life here as a class....." He let the words fade away in a semi curious, semi scared room. "I want you to pick a class president and a deputy class president. Other then that tell me when it is all over and then classes will begin." Aizawa fell backwards into his sleeping bag and rolled out of sight. "So the first announcement is cool and the other one well shall we vote then?" Shihai stood up, walked to the front and wrote everyone's name down on the whiteboard behind the teachers desk. "So how this is gonna work is everyone is going to leave the room and come back in one by one putting your vote on the board. And 1 more rule no more voting for yourself."

The class did what he proposed and was soon done with the votes and since it was completely anonymous it could not have been rigged in any way. The results came in with Kendo coming out on top to earn the place as class president and Shihai as the vice president of the classroom.

They woke the sleeping teacher up and started on the variety of classes for the day.


It was late in the afternoon and most of the class had left the classroom leaving 4 behind. "So we need your permission to go out and sort out Wave's problem." Morasper said to Aizawa. "I'm guessing you won't allow us to go so regardless if you gave permission we are going out tonight." Aizawa stood there trapped in this scenario, on one hand he couldn't let the well known vigilante group go but he also couldn't kill his student if he ever ran out of his main fuel source, the souls of the damned.

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