Quirk list and character names.

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Quirk list for all main characters in storyline

Name: Dafydd/Wave
The manipulation of water and the ability to kill or revive anyone he touches with all 5 of his fingers or an object he is holding with all his digits. The souls of the people he kills are trapped inside of him until he chooses to release them. Too many souls trapped inside him is 1 of the only ways to kill himself as he cannot die from normal injuries like gunshots or diseases, this means the healing factor acquired by this is very strong but to activate it he must have the souls of his enemies as exchange for the injury recovery. His death quirk is called death touch. His water contol quirk allows him to control any water inside his body or he can take the water vapour out of the air.
His 3rd quirk is one that is very peculiar. It binds his soul to a sword that appears on his back when he wishes and disappears when he is no longer in need of it. The sword is very strong and made from Titanium.

Hobbies: Gaming ,Mountain biking

Name: Morgan/Morasper
His quirk is a trapper quirk. His DNA seems to allow him to place magical circles that only he can see, he can place a maximum of 10 traps. When these traps activate they leave a marshy mess of the ground they were left on. They soon return to their original state of matter after 10 minutes.

Hobbies: Watching anime, flying, coding.

Name: Amythest/Dusty
Her quirk is a simpler one compared to the others on this list. The manipulation of the earth and the elements around her she can pick up a total of 100kg and mould it into any shape or form she wishes though this did take years to practice and perfect.

Hobbies: Watching anime, drawing.

Name: Dylan/Blue Shadow
Dylan's multiple quirks are: telekinesis shadow control and weapon creation. Shadow control lets him use shadows to spy on and immobilise people that are within arm's reach of the shadow.(can see in any shadow in 200m radius) weapon creation allows him to create any sword staff or whatever he wants very quickly in exchange for stamina. He can dissolve these weapons on command giving him the stamina he lost creating them. (he controls this downside very fast making it take away a small amount of stamina)

Hobbies: Gaming, being a microwavable toaster

Name: Ieuan
(His original quirk was to turn into the very thing that killed him. However read the prologue to understand the next bit.)
He has the ability to transform into a mechanical tyrannosaurus rex. This can be a single part of his body or his whole body at once. The creature created by his quirk has fuel pipes for veins his tendons are steel wire and the plated armour on his body is made out of Tungsten (a metallic substance that has the highest melting point and is stronger than titanium) his eyes are blazing red LED's. All of his armour has a marking with the same design ,3 long claw marks embedded into the metal

Hobbies: Gaming, Drawing, watching yt.

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