Chapter 20

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Scotty Valens took a deep breath as he headed downstairs for Thanksgiving Dinner, Lilly's recent admissions still weighing heavily on his soul. He couldn't worry about that now though. No, now he had to think of a way of getting either his father or brother to surrender a turkey leg. It was tradition in the Valens household that his family always got one leg and Mike or Scotty would have the other leg on alternate Thanksgivings. Unfortunately for him, last year had been his year for the turkey leg which now meant he had some serious bribing to do in order that Lilly could have her turkey leg, because this was her first proper Thanksgiving and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure it was the best one she could possibly have. And if she wanted the turkey leg, well, she was going to have the turkey leg.

Upon entering the living room he was immediately tackled by the whirlwind that was Emilio Valens.

"Uncle Scotty! Uncle Scotty! Guess what I did?" Emilio shouted.

"I don't know Em, what did you do?" Scotty asked, hoping that maybe it would give him some ammunition against Mike.

"I caught the ball all by myself!" Emilio shouted proudly.

"Wow Em that's great!" Scotty replied happily, although slightly saddened that he had missed the important milestone in his young nephew's life.

"Tell Uncle Scotty what else you did Em?" Alegria prompted her son, joining them from the kitchen.

Confusion clouded Emilio's eyes and a slight frown creased his forehead as he thought about what his mother could be eluding to. His eyes brightened as he obviously remembered what his mother was talking about.

"I got a touchdown and beat Daddy!" Emilio cried joyously.

It was only then that Scotty saw his brother sat dejectedly on the couch. It was tradition that after the Thanksgiving football game had finished the Valens men would go outside and play a game of tag football before dinner. Last year Mike had played with Emilio on his shoulders, but this year Emilio had obviously decided he was old enough to play on his own - and had apparently beaten his father in the process.

Scotty couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw his pouting brother on the couch.

"I slipped on the leaves, alright." Mike mumbled, shooting his brother a death glare.

"Come on guys, time to take your seats at the table." Alegria ordered, ushering everyone into the dining room.

"Hey Mike, a quick word." Scotty called after his brother quietly, nodding back him back inside the living room.

"What Scotty? What to tease me that my 3-year-old son beat me? Go ahead! Pa's already done a good job at that even though I beat him." Mike exclaimed angrily.

"Not exactly." Scotty begins awkwardly.

"Then what?" Mike asked puzzled.

"It's just that, well, Lilly asked for the leg of the turkey..." Scotty continued.

"No!" Mike shouted with finality, turning and storming towards the dining room. "No, she cannot have my leg! Just because you got some woman pregnant, does not mean she gets to have my leg! You had yours last year and I want mine this year!"

"Come on Mike!" Scotty shouted after Mike, following him towards the dining room. "It's one year and you can have my leg next year. I would do the same for Alegria."

He was desperate to make this meal perfect for Lilly.

"Well I was considerable enough to knock Alegria up so that she wasn't pregnant at Thanksgiving!" Mike shouted back. "Think about that next time you have a one night stand!"

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