"hey i'm jason"

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"well sweetie here it is... home sweet home" My mom said as she smiled at me. She felt like she failed me in some type of way, she knew that I really liked New York and I made some good friends.
"Yea mom it's a real charm" I said in a very sarcastic voice as I got out of the car to grab the first few boxes
"Oh sweetie please it's not that bad, I know you really liked your old school and you didn't want to move but it had to happen, your dad found out we were in New York."
"yea i guess."
I then begin to see this family walk towards me and my mom. They looked very put together and walked very broad and with bright smiles on their face.
"Hi there! We're The Hastings, your neighbors. Welcome to the neighborhood." A woman greeted us, as who I think is her daughter hands us a bag full of goodies. If there's one good thing about moving it's the "Welcome to the neighborhood" gifts . Always the best after a long day of moving.
"I'm Spencer, It's nice to meet you." She reaches to shake my hand. She looked like she played about a billion different sports and all she cared about was collage. She had a very nice smile and I could easily tell she was super smart. She was definitely someone I would want to keep around.
"Hey i'm y/n, thank you for the welcomes! I take it you go to rosewood high?"
"Oh yes, if you want I could be your very own tour guide, give you all the ins and outs of everything." Spencer said with a big smile on her face.
"i'm sorry to cut this short but we have to start unloading." My mom was never a people talker so I could tell it was just an excuse for her to leave
"Oh can I help you y/n?" Spencer said as she reached for the box in my hands
"be my guest, thank you!"
"well we'll go back home, i'm Veronica by the way, this is Peter and our eldest daughter Melissa."
"It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for all of this" I say as I reached to shake their hands.
Me and Spencer both grabbed as much as we could and walked in the house
It was a lot bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside  and it was different from the other houses we lived in before. It had vines on the outside and almost looked like a little cottage. You could tell no one lived here for awhile.
"My room is just up here to the left"
after we find our way to my new room we set down the boxes and began to unsettle
"So why did you decide to move to rosewood?" Spencer questioned trying to make conversation.
"My mom got a new job and we had to move here." i said timidly
She looked a bit concerned for a minute as she could tell that wasn't the full story
"oh well i think you'll fit in just fine, i could even introduce you to my friends. they'll love you!" After a bit of a chatter we heard the doorbell ring. Me and Spencer ran downstairs to answer it

"Hey i'm Jason." A guy with tan skin and really beautiful eyes smiled at me. I know i'm new and all but man, if this was how the guys around rosewoods looked I think I could get use to it.
"Jason, what are you doing here?" Spencer asked
"Well no one is home and I thought i'd welcome our new neighbors" jason replied
"you guys know each other?" I said trying to keep track of what kind of history they had.
"Oh yea, y/n this is Jason, my friend Ali's older brother. I was hoping you'd get to meet Ali, maybe you could be apart of our group."  I felt relieved not by the fact that Spencer and Jason weren't a thing but at the fact that Spencer was planning on trying to get me in her friend group. She must've liked me and felt like i'd fit in with them.
After a long pause, Jason cut the silence
"well i'm sorry I don't have anything to give you , I just thought that I should introduce myself. I live just next door if you need anything. Have a nice rest of your day." He gave me a bit of a smirk, and smiled as he waved.
"Oh your all good, Byee." I said kind of in shock that someone with his looks existed. I could tell I made things a little obvious that I thought he was attractive, it was a little hard not to tho. He had such a beautiful smile, and he was very dreamy.
"hmm I see you've fallen in the Jason trap." Spencer said as she shut the door and let out a bit of a giggle.
"was it that obvious?" I said blushing and a little embarrassed.
"for the first part no, but as soon as you said 'byee' Look just be carful. If you become friends with Ali she might want to kill you for havin the hots for her older brother."
I felt kind of dizzy there for a sec, but maybe if I impress her enough she would allow me to get closer with her brother?
After some time of me and Spencer unpacking she headed home to get ready for the night and school tomorrow, I was left feeling good but nervous. Good that I had made a good friend and nervous because I could tell by the way Spencer talked about Ali that she was the 'it' chick at Rosewood High. I would want to be on her good side first.
I just got out the shower and finished up some unloading after that put on my pj's and packed my bag for school tomorrow. I was going through my closet to find something to wear when I heard taps on my window, because there a lot of trees and stuff I thought it was just that, but then it got louder. When I went over to my window to check it out I see...

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