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It was Jason. What the hell? We barley talked and I had this guy already throwing rocks at my window. I opened it up to see what he wanted
"Hey boy next door can I help you?" I said kind of flirting
"Do you wanna go for a walk, maybe? I'd like to know more about you."
was it a little odd that it was 10 at night and there would of been many other opportunies he could catch up with me? Yes it was but I wasnt tired and could use a tour of the neighborhood.
"okay give me a sec" I said as I put my shoes and a jacket on
"Mom I'm going to get some fresh air be back in a sec. " I shouted not really asking for permission but telling her
"k be safe"
I knew she wouldn't care much anyways she had her wine and her show was on, only if you were dying you would get her attention.
I opened the door and Jason was standing there waiting for me.
"hey" Jason said as he turned around smiling
"hey" I shut the door and walk down the steps
This was akward.
he asked me basic questions, like why I moved here and how I was liking it so far. We found we had a lot of things in common.
"So what's your biggest secret?" Jason asked with a grin on his face
There was so much I could tell him, could i tell him about my family?
"i don't have any 'big' secrets, i wear my heart on my sleeve" i told Jason clearly lying
"hm well maybe i'll break you later, make you spill all your secrets" Jason said giving a smirk
as we finish our conversation we come to the end of our walk Jason stops and turns to me and says
"well it was nice talking to you, maybe i'll see you around?"
"yea yea, maybe next time you could just text or call like a normal person and maybe not make it seem like a scene in a horror movie?" i reply, i couldn't help but smile.
around him was exciting almost, this could be fun.
"goodnight y/n, i'm just a house away if someone intrudes" Jason says as he watched me walk into my house.
i reply by giving him a look and closing the door behind me. i couldn't help but notice how he seemed very into our conversation, making little remarks. i mean you only ever see someone throwing rocks at your window to get your attention in the movies. Maybe he had the same first impression of me that I had of him.
to end the night i finish up doing my night routine in the bathroom and then hoping into bed reading my book.
Everyone always called me weird for enjoying reading but i get the feeling no one here will give me shit about it.
I go to sleep with nothing else to think of but him, Jason. Spencer was right, i had fallen into the 'Jason trap' and had no clue what i would have coming for me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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