backround info<3

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from the age of 10 my life has been hard, my dad had been in and out of jail but now was in for life due to murder. i began to grow scared of him after that but it got even worse when he had sent multiple people to try and find us and when they did they would stalk us for weeks or even months. it got to the point where we would have to move a lot but finally, my mom had gotten offered a job in rosewood, i didn't know much about it but what once i got there i could feel it would be different than any other place.
With having to worry about my dad, and living in the constant fear that my life could be in danger. Having the same questions in my head, will he find where we are now? are we safe? I may also have to deal with some drama, I've fallen in love with one of my best friends brothers. Will it make things worse? can i tell these people my situation?
Read to find out..

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