Episode 1-For

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Freya: While Hope and Faith continue to flourish, it is clear they miss their mother

Freya: Unable to see her children except for one night a month during the full moon.

Freya: They're getting bigger by the second.

Freya: I can help you bring Hope and Faith to Hayley, if you'd like.

Klaus: If Hayley apologize.

Klaus: After all, it was her that tried to run off with my daughters.

Elijah: Someone needs to watch Hope and Faith.

Elijah: I would rather my nieces not bear witness.

Freya: Hello, sweeties.

Crescent Wolf: If Hayley's not with her daughters, she's probably dead.

Hayley: Davina, I need to see my daughters.

Davina: I'm sorry, but there's something I need you to do for me first.

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