Chapter 17

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Lilly Rush was bored and frustrated. She had just finished a particularly rough interview with a potential suspect, one in which Nick had to step in and restrain the lovely gentleman, and she was now stuck in the interview room writing up her notes. Suddenly she became aware of someone walking into the room and she turned around at the sound of the door being closed and locked behind her.

She barely had enough time to register that it was Scotty before his hands were in her hair and his lips were crushed against hers.

"Scotty!" She gasped, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth and she couldn't stop her eyes from flickering shut or the moan that escaped from her throat.

His kiss was so hot, so raw, so passionate, that if she wasn't already sat down she was sure her knees would have buckled. The heat from his lips flowed through her, engulfing her entire body, and she immediately felt her nipples tighten and herself grow wet.

Recovering from the initial shock of her partner kissing her like this, she twinned her tongue with his and started her own battled with Scotty's tongue. She heard Scotty groan deep in his throat which only caused the fire within her to burn hotter. Her brain was screaming at her to stop, desperately firing off reason after reason why this was a bad idea, why she shouldn't be kissing her partner in the interrogation room at PPD, where they worked and where they could be caught at any moment, but her body, her traitorous body, had other ideas and she brought her arms up to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer.

Soon her neck begins to ache at the odd angle so she tightened her grip around Scotty's neck and stood up just far enough so that she could twist round and perch on the table. Scotty wasted no time in melding their bodies together and the feel of his hard chest against her pebbled nipples caused the throbbing between her legs to intensify.

Lilly shivered as she felt Scotty's hands pull the shirt out from inside her trousers and grip her waist, his fingers caressing her back whilst his thumbs massaged her stomach. Suddenly kissing wasn't enough and she needed to feel Scotty's skin against her. Their location was the last thing on her mind as she frantically loosened his tie and all but ripped it from his neck, causing them to break their kiss.

She was desperate to ask why he was suddenly kissing her like there was no tomorrow. Part of her was scared to know the reason - hell, she was scared at what she was feeling, at how quickly her inhibitions had slipped away as a result of Scotty's fiery assault against her mouth - but the other part of her didn't care and just wanted Scotty to rip the clothes from her body and let him take her there and then on the interview room table. Hesitantly she risked looking into his eyes, eyes that were now ebony with sexual desire and all she could see was desperation, passion, and lust staring back at her, his eyes burning with such intensity that she gulped.

"Scotty?" She whispered, desperate, yet scared to know what was going on between them.

He didn't speak, didn't move, the only sign that he had heard her question was the increased tempo of his breathing as she felt his breath fluttering against her face and the burning passion within his eyes intensified. As she continued to look into his eyes an unspoken conversation took place and before she could stop herself, it was she who attacked his lips this time.

Her fingers yanked his shirt from his trousers and shakily started to unbutton his shirt. Scotty seemed to get the message as his fingers were rapidly undoing her shirt buttons too. He slipped the shirt from her shoulders and undid his cuff links allowing Lilly to push the shirt from his shoulders and all but rip the t-shirt he wore underneath off.

They took a moment then to stare at each other and Lilly couldn't help but admire the light dusting of hair that graced his chest and the defined ridges of muscle that formed his torso. Scotty's hands reached down and he lifted the vest top she was wearing over her head.

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