Hi mom... | Chapter 4

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Y/n pov:

Y/n woke up to realize that she and Venti were still in the position they fell asleep in. Y/n's arms were wrapped around Venti's waist, and their legs were tangled. One of Venti's wings was resting on y/n's thigh, while the other was flopped cutely behind him. Venti had apparently moved in the night so that his head was tucked under y/n's chin and resting on her collarbone.

Y/n played with Venti's unbraided hair, and his eyes fluttered open.

"Y/n... *yawn* what... what time is... *yawn* is it...?" Venti asked sleepily.

"It's around 9:00 a.m. Wow... I don't usually sleep this late." Y/n said.

"Can... can I make breakfast for y-you?" Venti asked shyly.

"Of course, Venti! I would love to taste your cooking." Y/n said.


Venti pov:

"Done!" Venti proudly set two plates of chocolate chip pancakes on the table. He looked a little nervous, but also excited.

"These look amazing! I bet they taste even better, though." Y/n said with a giggle.

"Y-you can try it! But... I've only ever cooked for myself, t-the other Vampires never eat anything that doesn't contain some measure of blood..." Venti said.

Y/n bit into the pancake and her eyes immediately widened.

"D-do you like it...?" Venti whispered.

"LIKE it? I LOVE it! Venti, this is amazing!" Y/n started rambling about how good the pancakes were, and Venti beamed at her, blushing.

She liked it!  Venti thought, delighted. His mind was already racing ahead to the future. Maybe for many more days, he would get to cook for her and see her smile. Maybe for many more days, they could talk and laugh and be with each other. Maybe for many more days, they would cuddle each other in y/n's bed, and maybe he would wait for her to fall asleep to whisper to her all the sweet things he yearned to tell her.

Maybe one day they would even k-

"Venti?" Y/n said, "you ok over there? You zoned out a little."

"O-oh, I-I'm fine, d-don't worry about me!" Venti said, embarrassed. He shouldn't have been thinking the things he was thinking, but he couldn't help it. To him... she was just perfect.

"You sure?"

"M-mhm!" Venti said.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Venti nearly jumped out of his own skin.

"Sh sh sh, it's ok, thatwasjustthedoorbell." Y/n said hurriedly, before Venti could start screaming about it.

Y/n got up to get the door, excepting a delivery or something. Instead, she opened the door to find...

"MOM?!" Y/n screeched. 

"Y/n! It's so good to see you again, how are you doing? Did you keep your room clean? Are your clothes folded?"

"Mom!" Y/n yelled, embarrassed. "I'm not 12 anymore! You can't just show up at my house and ask me that!"

"Sorry, sorry," y/n's mom said. "Oh, and who is this? Did you finally get a boyfriend?" Y/n's mom gestures at Venti, who was cautiously peeking out from behind y/n, as she said that.

Both Venti and y/n flushed red, before yelling, "N-NO! WE'RE N-NOT DATING!" 

"Uh-huh, sure you aren't." Y/n's mom turned to Venti and said, "Y/n here never wanted a boyfriend, but I believe you are the kind of person that would attract her. As such, as her mother I must tell you that my name is m/n (Mother's name), and I also must follow the law of motherhood and tell you embarrassing stories from whe-"

"MOM. Would you rather follow the law of motherhood, OR THE LAW OF MY MOTHER FUCKING SWORD." Y/n screamed.

"Y-Y/N?! W-WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET A SWORD?!" Venti shrieked, terrified.

"The internet! Also, don't worry Venti, I won't hurt you." Y/n said said sweetly.

"O-ok... please don't hurt anyone else, though?" Venti asked.

"Hm... well, don't wanna go to jail for murdering my mom... fine." Y/n muttered.

M/n laughed nervously, then said, "W-well, thank you for putting down the sword, y/n, but really I just came to stop by to see you, we've only called on the phone and and I haven't seen you in person for months."

"Oh, you're right! Well, come in, then." Y/n said.

"Wow, y/n, this place looks amazing! Did you clean it ten minutes ago?" M/n asked.

"Uh... thanks..." y/n was distracted by the fact that Venti looked left out and wistful at the same time. "You ok?" She whispered to him.

"Yeah, it's just..." Venti looked down, and y/n was about to say he didn't have to tell her if he didn't want to, but he spoke, "it's just that my mom was my human parent, and your mom reminds me of her. She went back to the human world when I was five, and I never saw her again. It's been a whole 13 years..."

"Oh, Venti," y/n said, feeling sad for him. She couldn't imagine what life would be like if she never saw her mom. "Tell you what. You said that she went back to the human world, and THIS is the human world. So, I'll help you find her. Deal?"

"R-really?" Venti asked, heart fluttering and cheeks stained pink. "Y-you'll do that for m-me?"

"Yes, I will. I care about you Venti, and if you miss your mother I will do anything to help you find her." Y/n said, determined.

Venti threw his arms around Y/n and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, y/n you're so amazing and you're the bestest friend ever and I'm so glad I met you!"

"I'm glad I met you too, Venti." Y/n said, smiling.

"Anyone care to tell me what's going on here?" M/n asked, then squint at them. "And... wait... WHY DOES HE HAVE BAT WINGS?!"

"You. JUST. NOTICED?!" Y/n said, facepalming at her mom's slowness.

"Well, yes, but seriously, how, what, why?" M/n said.

Y/n and Venti looked at each other nervously, and Venti sighed and nodded, signaling that y/n could tell her.

"We... we'll tell you, but how about we have lunch first?" Y/n said, trying to buy some time.

"Ooh, yes, let's go to Olive Garden!"

"Well, dunno how that worked OR what kind of restaurant and Olive Garden is, but ok!" Venti said.

I am so sorry for not posting this yesterday. I thought I did but apparently not, maybe I'll give you chapter five today too, only if I'm not lazy tho. Anyway, just wanted to tell you, it took M/n 2 minutes to realize that Venti has wings, the same amount of time it took my sister to realize I pulled Ganyu when I was literally walking around with her 🤣. Also, 1k words! That's pretty good for my lazy ass.

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