Traveling | Chapter 11

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⚠️WARNING: Mentions of suicide (it doesn't actually happen it's just Venti explaining something)⚠️

Y/n pov:

"T-t-thank you..." Venti stuttered, embarrassed. You giggled and hugged him tightly, and he buried his face in your collarbone to hide how red it was.

"Do you know how to get back to the human world?" You asked quietly. "As cool as the Vampire kingdom is, I don't want to eat rotten meat."

"Well, about that..." Venti said nervously, fidgeting with his fingers. "So... I was 'lucky' enough to appear right in front of my father, who just so happens to be the Vampire King, and I kinda got really really mad at him aaaand... now every Vampire guard is looking for us."

"...What?" You said, not fully comprehending what he just said.

"Y-yeah..." Venti said.

"Wait... hold on." You said. "If your dad is the Vampire king, DOES THAT MEAN YOUR A PRINCE?!"

"Well... yes." Venti admitted. "I've never felt or acted like one though."

"Does that mean that if I marry you I'll be a princess?!" You said, gasping.

Venti turned bright red at the thought of getting married to you. His head filled with images that only made his face more red. 

You giggled at his reaction, and said,

"Don't worry, I was only kidding."

"Maybe one day, though..." Venti said under his breath.

"Hm? What was that?" You asked curiously.

"N-nothing!" Venti said. 

"Well... how are going to get back to the human world?" You asked. "Is there a portal?"

"Well, yes there is a portal." Venti said. "But we'd definitely get caught going the short way, we'd have to go between the castle and the human factory."

"Human factory!?!" You shrieked.

"Wait wait wait, it's not as bad as it sounds!" Venti said desperately. "There are Vampire scouts in the human world, they take people who are about to commit suicide and people that just want to die but don't want to kill themselves, and they take them to the human factory and give them a quick and painless death. Then they take their blood out and put it in jars for the Vampires to eat."

"That's still pretty brutal..." you said.

"I know, and I really wish it didn't exist, y/n, but Vampires do have to eat and they only eat from humans who are done with life. My favorite guard once told me that most of them literally cry about the Vampires interrupting their suicide attempts." Venti said. "And after I found out about that, I wanted to not eat blood anymore at all, but I knew I needed to so I hunted cows and drank their blood instead. I needed a whole cow to be satisfied, though."

"Well, it's a relief to know that Vampires don't suck the blood of happy humans to the point they die, but what about their families that look for the humans?" You asked.

"Oh, after I found out about the human factory, I screamed at my father to at least deliver the bodies back to the families with a note saying they committed suicide. And he agreed, since it was reasonable and didn't take any materials away from the Vampires."

"I'm proud of you for that." You said, giving Venti a gentle peck on the lips.

Venti squeaked and hid his face in his hands. You both just stayed there until Venti's blush calmed down a little.

"We... should probably get to the portal." Venti said. "We'll have to be super careful around the volcano though."

"The WHAT?!" You asked.

A Sweet Vampire | Venti x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now