Venti birthday special

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"Hm...?" Venti opened his eyes, but to his surprise he wasn't in bed with you, but laying in a grassy field.

"Y/n?" He called, confused. "How did I get here..."

Suddenly, Venti remembered that it was his birthday. "Ooh~ she planned a surprise for me, didn't she?"

Venti got up, and a piece of paper fell off of his head. The paper read,

Hello my love, it's me your wife~ are you surprised? I prepared something special for you, just follow the path and you'll see.

Venti looked around, and saw a stone path leading into the distance. He spread his wings and flew, hoping to get to the end of it soon.


A few minutes passed, and Venti saw a small patch of trees up ahead. He flew fast, and within a few seconds he had reached the trees.

Venti landed, folding his wings back in. He walked through the trees, and saw a picnic set up, waiting. Venti approached it curiously, but was suddenly pulled into a hug from behind.

Startled, Venti spun around, be his eyes lit up when he saw you and his twin children.

"Did you all... plan this for me?" Venti asked. You and your children nodded, smiling.

"Thank you so much!" Venti said, hugging you tightly. Your children, Nikki and Sam, came and hugged Venti as well.

Venti let go, smiling at you softly. You gave him a small peck on the lips, and your children pretended to vomit.

"Mom, Dad, that!s cringe." Sam said. Nikki nodded in agreement. "For once I agree with Sam." She said.

You laughed, and your family sat down on the picnic blanket. "Happy Birthday, Venti." You whispered. Venti smiled. "Let's make the most of it."

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