Chapter 7

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It was just past midday when Scotty Valens pulled his car into PPD car park and he could tell that Lilly was nervous. Hell, he was nervous too! Part of him was relieved though.

Scotty Valens was the typical Latin male - passionate, fiery tempered and hot-headed. So trying to keep Bean a secret from everyone, whilst trying to protect Lilly and Bean, had been tiring and he felt drained. It wasn't the actual protecting that was the problem, it was the looking out for Lilly without her knowing or suspecting it part, that was the problem. He couldn't help but worry about her and Bean constantly and when she had suffered her week of morning sickness last month he had worried himself so much that he himself had been sick, not that Lilly would ever know that. Sure, he knew that Lilly Rush could take care of herself, he'd witnessed it many times, but the caveman inside of him wanted to lock Lilly away for the next six months so that nothing would harm her or Bean. He knew it was chauvinistic, and he knew that Lilly would more than likely cause him extreme physical pain if she ever found out, but he couldn't help it. At least with Boss knowing she was pregnant there would be someone else looking after her, because he knew that Stillman would do just that.

Taking a deep breath he turned towards Lilly.

"Ready?" He questioned.

Lilly's nerves had been building the closer and closer they had driven to PPD and she was a nervous wreck. She knew she should tell Boss, knew it was the logical thing, but part of her just wanted to runaway and hide. Sighing, she realized that this was one thing she well and truly could not runaway and hide from.

"Sure." She replied in a wavering voice as tears sprung to her eyes.

Damn hormones! Why did they have to make an appearance now? She was Lilly Rush, Philadelphia's first female homicide detective for goodness sake! She was strong, tough, focused, protector of all things good - the Ice Queen - so why did her hormones have one of the most important conversations of her entire career, hell, her entire life?

Seeing the tears form in Lilly's eyes Scotty gently cupped her cheek and brushed them away with his thumb.

"Sssssh Lil, it's okay. You and I, we're in this together. Whatever happens, I'm going to be here for you and Bean, okay? I don't care if I have to go work some shitty rent-a-cop job or set up my own PI business, all I want is for you to be happy and for Bean to be safe and healthy okay?"

If Scotty's words were supposed to make her stop crying, they only made her want to cry more and a choked sob escaped her throat. Turned out pregnancy hormones and 36 years of bottled up emotions had made her an emotional wreck whenever she got worked up about something. Luckily she had managed to keep her mini breakdowns outside of work so far, although Scotty was well versed in them following her morning sickness week and he sat there quietly wiping the tears from her face, and giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze every now and then.

After about five minutes she had finally calmed down and they headed inside PPD. As they reached homicide she sent a silent pray out to whoever was listening that Vera and Jeffieries were out of the office, apparently getting lunch, but Boss was there, sat behind his desk engrossed in paperwork.

Taking a deep breath, Scotty took the lead and knocked on the door of their Lieutenant's office.

"Hey Boss, you got a sec? We kinda need a word with you?"

John Stillman peered over the top of his glasses and was surprised to see two of his best detectives stood in the doorway of his office.

"Scotty, Lilly - what are you doing here? I thought I given you both the day off?" He greeted them warmly, looking up from him paperwork.

Walking into the office and closing the door behind them, Lilly perched on the seat in front of John whilst Scotty stood behind her with his hands resting on the back of her chair. John noticed that Lilly's eyes were red and puffy, as if she had been crying, and was immediately worried.

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