Chapter 12

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"Rush! Valens! My office."

Both Lilly Rush and Scotty Valens were startled at the sound of Lieutenant Stillman calling their names from his office.

"Looks like someone's in trouble..." Nick said in a joking manner.

How could they be in trouble already? They'd just finished their interrogation of Boris Litvak over the manslaughter of Trevor Dawson who'd confessed to the crime he had committed in 1994. It was an unfortunate case of a suicide pact gone wrong. Trevor had found love but Boris had still wanted to jump. Trevor had tried to stop Boris but a scuffle had ensued on the roof of their school building resulting in Boris pushing Trevor off the roof. One shove and Boris was guilty of manslaughter. If Trevor had been facing the other way he would have fell on his butt on the roof and there wouldn't have been a case to solve. Alas, the fates had conspired against Trevor and Boris that day and now Boris was safely in lock up and they were all finishing up their reports and tying up the evidence before packing away yet another CLOSED cold case.

Casting each other a nervous glance they headed towards Stillman's office where they were greeted by their boss and two men, who must have arrived whilst they were interrogating Litvak. Stillman made the necessary introduction.

"Detective Paul Browne, Detective Jimmy Fitzpatrick, this is Detective Lilly Rush and Detective Scotty Valens. Detectives Browne and Fitzpatrick are from IAB and they're here about the report you filed."

Scotty and Lilly shook both detectives' hands. Detective Browne was tall and muscular, clean shaven, with sandy blonde hair, appeared to be in his early 40's and was smartly dressed. Detective Fitzpatrick was the complete opposite. He was short, portly, had curly red hair and a bushy beard, appeared to be in his late 50's and looked rather unkempt.

Lilly's heart sank as she recognized Detective Browne from a Christmas party she'd attended many years ago. She had just passed her Detectives Test and been allocated to North, but was yet to start. The detectives at North had invited her along to the Christmas party to meet the team and Detective Browne was there.

At first he had seemed friendly, introducing her to all the guys, telling her who to look out for and who she could trust however, after a few drinks he'd ended up almost stalking her all night, asking her if she wanted to dance or if she wanted a drink. When he had finally gotten the message she wasn't interested, after numerous rebukes on Lilly's part, he had gotten rather angry and tried to pin her against a wall. A swift hard knee to his manhood had taken care of the problem, but she had left quickly afterwards and had avoided him ever since.

"They have a few questions they would like to ask you." Stillman continued.

"We'd like to interview you separately, if that's okay?" Detective Fitzpatrick asked, although it was clear from his tone it wasn't really a question. Looking towards John he asked. "Lieutenant, I take it your interview room is now free?"

Stillman nodded his confirmation.

"Detective Valens, why don't we start with you?" Detective Fitzpatrick said, gesturing towards the interview room. "Detective Rush, you can continue working until we are finished with Detective Valens as I understand that you are on desk duty?"

"Yes, that's correct." Lilly answered quietly.

"Good. I'll be seeing you shortly." Detective Fitzpatrick stated. "Shall we?"

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