Chapter Two

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I wake up the next morning still in the dress I was wearing the previous day and with Nathanial holding me close in his arms. I guess we skipped dinner and just stayed here last night. Father won't be too happy that Nathanial and I weren't there but whatever.

I hear the faint knocking that Marlene always does in the morning and unwrap myself from my brothers arms to get the door for her.

"Good morning your highness," she says to me when she sees me.

"Good morning Marlene," I whisper.

"Why are you in your same dress as yesterday darling?" She questions.

"Nathanial and I fell asleep and forgot to change."

"Well we better get you both up, your father wants a nice breakfast today, and you also have a final dress fitting afterwards for the ball tonight."

"Do I have to go to the ball?"

"Yes you do darling."

Sighing I go and wake up Nathanial to tell him to go back to his room and that father wants a nice breakfast today.

Before Marlene does my make up she holds up a light blue dress, with white lace florals around the bodice and a cute thing ribbon around the waist tied into a bow at the front. I nod liking the dress she chose and help her set out the rest of my make up.

We do a quick yet simple make up look and leave my hair straight since it'll be styled later in the day for the ball.  Grabbing my dress I get changed and put on my usual tiara and white heels.  Marlene and I decide that this outfit looks better without a necklace and she then shoos me out of my room and down to the dinning hall.

While walking there I see Miles and call out for him to wait up.

"Why don't you look lovely today Bells, light blue and purple really are your colours," He says to me when I finally catch up.

"Thank you," I smile.  We walk in silence to the dining hall and when we walk in I see that everyone else is already there expect my parents and Prince Allen. I take my seat in between Avery and Hugh mainly focusing all my attention on my brother.

"Good Morning Belle, that dress looks lovely on you," Hugh says to me as I sit down.

"Thank you Prince Hugh," I respond not looking at him. Just before he's able to say anything else Allen and my parents walk in. Everyone stands up and waits for my parents to take their seats before we start eating.

Everybody starts to dig into the pancakes that were laid out in front of us expect for me. Avery hands me the bowl of banana slices and I take my fork to start munching on them.

"Still a fan of only bananas for breakfast I see," Allen says to me smiling.

"And I see that you still only like to eat strawberries on your pancakes," I respond smiling.

"Well you definitely have to try it, it's quite delicious."

"I think I'll pass, allergic to strawberries remember?"

"Ah yes, the Bowers twins are both deathly allergic to strawberries how could I forget," Allen says.

"You're allergic to strawberries?" Hugh says looking at me confused by my conversation with Allen.

"Yes, quite allergic. One bite and I could die from my throat closing up, Avery's the same way," I respond looking down at my bananas.

"Good to know," He responds before turning back to his breakfast.

Silent chatter goes all around me, everyone talking about something with someone while I just sit in my seat quietly and eat my bananas in silence.

"So Prince Hugh, I hear you have a date planned out for Belle this afternoon before the ball," my mother says to him, and as she says this I almost choke on a banana slice.

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