For my business class. Dont ask.

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Skyfire held out the page Swindle had given him. "I paid for an accurate exchange, Swindle." his white plating almost invisible against the snow and ice of the arctic, where he found himself researching and making stupid exchanges like this.

The combaticon blinked and furrowed his optical ridges, his purple eyes flickering in the reflection of the ice around them. "What do you mean? Is this not what you needed?"

"I asked that you get my old science notes from Starscream, and you said you'd do it for payment, which I paid, and in return got a page of Shockwave's work.." the bigger cybertronian mumbled to the minibot. "So can you go get mine?"

Swindle blinked, hearing his creator's name. "I don't want to talk to Starscream, he's a brat. But, if I receive payment to do so-"

"I already paid you, and you failed to do what I paid you to. So come on, please?" the shuttle pleaded, feeling his plating crawl with frustration after hearing the minibot call Starscream a brat. Not that he wasn't wrong, but Skyfire was still quite protective over his Decepticon friend.

"Why's it so important anyways? Is it because lil' ol' 'screamer has put his talons on 'em?" Swindle asked with an award winning smirk, his eyes narrowing playfully, happy to make fun of the shuttle, but Skyfire wouldn't let that bother him.

"I may have the autobot insignia, swindle, but I am trying my hardest to stand neutral ground, that includes in my work. I simply would like to pick up where I left off."

"With Starscream."

"He wishes for us to be no more, stop suggesting please."

"I'm not talking to him without extra payment."

"No wonder you're named Swindle."

The minibot's eyes widened and he grumbled, gritting his teeth. "That's enough. Just hand over payment and you'll get your stupid notes from that stupid whiney mech."

Skyfire's optic ridges furrowed and his nervous frown became more upsetted. He knew that was Swindle's goal, and he hated that it was working. Why had Starscream created this slagger?

Then again, he was always challenged by his own team. Starscream never did well with others anyways considering his attitude and race. It was a blessing that Skyfire had gotten along with him so well. Deciding he couldn't exactly blame the smaller seeker for his reckless actions, he sighed.

"Swindle, I understand you dislike Starscream, but I'm asking for something very simple. I'm willing to make an offer of energon, but other than that I'm exchanging nothing."

Swindle's golden and lavender plating shifted and his violet optic's lit up. Skyfire swore he heard the noise of a cash register. "Deal! Ain't nothing worth more than energon nowadays!"

About time...

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