All nighter implied Skystar

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    "Well, do you like him?"

                  "Of course! I just,
                             —can never talk to him again."

         Thundercracker huffed, "Oh star, don't you
                 hear yourself?"

       Starscream opened his optics, revealing the bright crimson they presented. Him and Thundercracker were talking from their bunk beds, Skywarp at the top and not paying attention. "I do. I just— I shot him TC, I shot him. He probably feels hurt by that and—" he sunk in his covers and turned towards the wall, "I can't live with hurting him."

        Thundercracker audibly scoffed from the lower bunk, "Starscream, that mech is so understanding and sweet. He will listen to you. Hell, he probably feel bad for making you upset enough to shoot him!" The blue seeker groaned, "it's pathetic how much he'll take blame off you."

         Starscream grabbed one of the plushies on his bed, which happened to be a cat he had stolen from Skywarp. "Yeah but— I can't just go up and say 'hey sorry I shot you, wanna let me explain why?', that's pathetic TC, stop reading fanfiction."

           He watched as the bioluminescent glow of  TC's human tablet (upgraded to their size) turned off. "Fine. Fine. Just for tonight. I'd hate to pester my carrying brother."

          "I'm not carrying! It's just a energon
                       processing clog. It'll fix itself...."

          "Whatever you say Star'."

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