"I'm supposed to be your friend."

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AU where Starscream successfully takes over the Decepticons, though many former comrades switched to the Autobot side, including Megatron. //

For once, something remotely close to a battle happened to his army today. Except it wasn't a physical battle. To everyone on Starscream's side, the Autobots had shown up, and not put up a fight.

It was dark out. The seeker was walking the hallways of their base, soft light from the glow of ocean plants coming on from the windows. Everything around him felt blue.

Every step he took was silent. It made an impact of sound, but it fit in amongst everything else. His base was asleep, and those heel steps where the only thing. They sounded, like a clock's tick to him.

His eyes felt heavy. Not with sleep but strain. He held onto one arm. Not from hurt, but seeking his own comfort. He strode past the medbay, past the Contructicon's living area.

Wings, downcast.

He made it a little farther, his whole frame getting heavier with each step, as if he were trying to run in a dream. He stopped, suddenly needing to catch his breath. It was nothing serious, but he realized he hadn't breathed at all the past few moments.

He turned his head to one of the bigger windows. Watching as a shark casted a shadow over him. A Tiger shark, he believed. As it passed, he saw the coral reef they lived by, sleeping, sound. This shark was stuck awake. Just like him.

He continued to walk.

He made his was, feeling nostalgia come over him from the appearance of the ocean. Like remembering a vacation you had a lot of fun on, with people you hardly see anymore.

Starscream hated how it made his mouth twist.

He walked past Soundwave's quarters.

He paused after he passed the door.

He looked at the door.

His gaze did not leave the door.

He blinked and moved along.

His throat felt stuck with air, like words, screams, sitting on his breath. He didn't like it. Not one bit.

The battle today, hadn't been with the Autobots. But the Autobots had reminded him, of the battle with himself. He was fighting with the strength of a mouse tonight.

He felt the upper part of his face, between his optics, get warm, yet oddly chilled. Mist hardly hit the crimson as he narrowed his eyes, forcing it away.

He paused, and looked up. Face to face with a door. He stood there, probably stalling for a few minutes before opening it swiftly, as if about to confront someone, only to be met with darkness, emptiness, besides a navy blue light casted from a window, spilling onto a empty bed.

Wings shifted on his back, as if preparing to talk to someone. He walked in and left the door open. Looking all around. He went over to a desk and turned on a lamp. But the lights hadn't been changed in so long, it's light casted a dim yellow.

He looked out, into the warlord's old room, his mouth starting to waver without actions or words taking place yet. Just memories and thoughts.

He took a moment to look around, take a glance at the details he ignored before. He walked over to the other side of the desk, completely unexplored by his optics, because someone used to block it from where he sat.

He was surprised to see a picture of him and his brothers in a frame. Of course, there were, other pictures, but this was the one Starscream felt was important.

He reached out, grabbed it.
It was of course, him and his brothers.
But his brother's full body's weren't shown.
Just his.

This was a picture of Starscream.

For once tonight, he didn't completely care that his optics misted as he looked back to the room, holding the picture close.

"Despite...our challenges, you liked me. Didn't you?" Voice was strain heavy, and reeked of hurt and harm to the core.

He looked to the picture, then his own servo. He turned to his old bed, blinking gently as he thought about the current situation.

"What am I doing?"

His voice was strain heavy, and it came from the spark.

"Why do I wanna hurt you, so bad?" He mewled.

"I'm supposed to be your friend."

I just want to be your friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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