Swindle X Lockdown

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This story was unfinished and I thought no one would like it. If you do let me know, I'll make it a thing.

Swindle stood up slowly, his legs almost failing below him. He had no idea where he was, but he remembered how he got there. He had been chased down by an Autobot ship and crashed here.

Wherever 'here' was.

He looked at the damage done to his ship. Normally, by what he saw, he would have cried over the expenses it would take to fix. but right now, he was still in shock.

He look at himself, now realizing how damaged he was. He wondered how he was still standing. One of his arms looked broken, and his vision faltered in one eye. On the same side as the damaged eye his lip and cheek felt weird.

He felt the need to sit back down and only then did the pain kick in. Enough to make him shed a bit of washer-fluid from his eyes. He took a deep vent and took in his surroundings.

He was outside of his ship. Why was he there? He took a glance at his memory files only to be shock with pain through his helm. Making more tears fall.

He knew if that hurt him, that trying communications would hurt too. But he'd probably die if he didn't try to get help.

He tried calling Megatron while fighting back tears, but the grunt wouldn't pick up. He growled, knowing he just added more pain for wasted time.

For a moment he cried in silence before he tried calling someone else who he trusted. Someone he should've called first. But he wasn't sure if they'd pick up.

He called and thanked Primus when he heard him. "Swindle?"

Swindle took a moment to weep, Lockdown listening patiently, "L-Lock....Lockd-down..." he cried out "I-"

"I'm on my way Swindle. I heard what happened." Lockdown said calmly. "Bad crash from what I hear. You want to stay on call with me till I'm there?"

Lockdown was being abnormally soft and Swindle knew it was because of the awful crash. But the pain was great, so he wept out a response "N-No. M-m....Helm huuuurts." He cried out.

"Worse than I thought." Lockdown murmured. "Okay, listen buddy, I'll be over there as soon as I can. Hang on tight, okay?"

Swindle sniffed, "y-yeah. I'll do th-that..."

The call ended and Swindle cried a bit more from the afterpains as well. So there he sat. Helpless, crying, and waiting.

Lockdown didn't lie when he said he'd be there quick. He came up and looked at Swindle. Swindle sniffed and looked at him with a great effort and misty optics leaking washer-fluid.

Lockdown carefully picked him up bridal style and brought him to him ship. Swindle continued his cries, trying to be more silent around Lockdown. Lockdown held him close, rubbing his back gently.

He brought him to the ship and to his personal quarters where he gingerly sat Swindle down. Swindlem and tried to speak "L-Lock...d-dowwwn?...c-caa-" he was cut off by deep and hard coughing, making a bit of energon to come up.

Lockdown hugged onto him, rubbing the upper as we o mmmmm half of Swindles arm that wasn't super damaged. "I'm gonna get you some Energon buddy, I'll be right back."

He left Swindle alone for a few minutes to get it, and he helped swindle considering his condition. After he sat with Swindle for a bit, caressing the not hurt parts and giving him small hug-squeezes that wouldn't hurt him.

A few hours later when swindle had calmed and was barely awake, Lockdown still by his side, a few basic medical tools laid on the side tables where lockdown tried to help.

He had in fact, quite a lot. Swindle knew he was in pain, and was in pain, but it wasn't enough to make him stutter and hurt at every movement.

Swindle was leaning against Lockdown in his lap, arms draped around his neck lazily in attempt to get closer to feel more safe.

Lockdown then made a short grunt before saying "it's late, and after the last cycle you've had, I think you need the recharge."

Swindle pouted and weakly squeezed himself closer to Lockdowns frame. Lockdown sighed and laid both him and Swindle down on their sides.

Swindle seemed okay with this and just laid his head in the crook of Lockdowns neck. Lockdown sighed and hugged onto Swindle until he felt the other bots hold loosed, he got up and left the room, going to the control center and typing in a comm link.

Megatron picked up "ah Lockdown, how are you?"

Lockdown sighed and said "I'm fine. But I've called to inform you who isn't."

"Oh?" Megatron said. "Do tell Lockdown."

"It's Swindle. Poor scrap is in the other room half dead." He said in response.

"Ah Swindle, he tried to call me earlier-" Lockdown felt himself boil at the words. "I didn't pick up, I thought it was one of his scammed business offers." Megatron smiled

"He's hanging onto his online in the other room Megatron! From what I knew it hurt him drastically to do anything with his processor!" He growled. "He could have died."

Megatron paused, understanding Lockdown was upset. "I see. Does he require dire medical assistance?" His tons became serious and Lockdown felt himself calm.

"I think I have him stabilized. Nothing too urgent needed. I just thought I'd inform you."

"Understood. Thank you for sharing this information. He may be irritable at times but it would've been a terrible loss."

He nodded. "I'll swing him by earth after he's feeling a bit better." He said before turning the comm off, walking back to his quarters.

He saw Swindle with half lidded optics, he looked up and saw Lockdown and attempted to make his normal cocky smile. "T-Took you..."he coughed mid sentence, and Lockdown could see the pain in his optics. "-long en-enough to get back."

Lockdown went over and sat on the berth, "stop your overreactin', I was gone for only five minutes. I thought you were asleep?"

"No I-I just wanted... to see if you'd st-stay with me." He said with a smile.

"Your tired Swindle, go to sleep."

"Not without youuu." Swindle groaned.

Lockdown rolled his optics and laid down with Swindle, pulling him in close. Swindle hadn't expected Lockdown to be so open to it, but he wasn't complaining.

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