Chapter 8: A Party

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Roxas was now in the Village of Bookend and it's already Night time.

But even though it was, the Village if Bookend was still lively with it's people as the whole village had lit up the entire place and Roxas looks in awe.

Dexter: Yeah impressive right? Welcome to the Village of Bookend.

He exclaims with arms spread while walking backwards but almost tripped in the process if it wasn't for Roxas grabbing his hand.

Dexter: Thanks for the save hehe..

He smiled a bit embarrassed as Roxas laughs..

Dexter continues to lead him towards a place called Hocus Latte Café but on their way, many eyes were on Roxas again.

Many of them were wondering who he is s s countless chatter spreads around but he ignores them.

Soon when they got to there destination, Roxas could hear music inside.

The storefront itself has framed windows, dominantly placed on the right side. Doors are on the left side of the shop.

Once both inside, Roxas took a good look at the place, there ws a lounge in the center which consists of two armchairs encircled around a tree. Around the tree and small lounge are two-seated tables, while the very end of the shop is the counter.

A few televisions are planted in the shop in case of special announcements and fairies or pixies were flitting around the store in help of serving the lattes to tables.

The place had a lively atmosphere with people chatting and pixies serving drinks to their customers.

???: Dexter! Roxas over here!

They look to see Daring waving to them as with him were their friends and some other people Roxas haven't met yet.

The group also included Raven, Apple, Maddie, Blondie, Cerise and a few girls.

Now that Roxas thinks about it, everyone he knows around here are quite tall people, he's only a couple inches short from Maddie who seems to be the shorter one in the group although the heels have helped with their heights.

That aside...

???: Hey guys! Glad you made it!

Roxas looks to see a new guy. He was a tall guy and has tan skin, hazel eyes and dark brown hair. The right side of his head is shaven, while the hair on the left side hangs just over his ear.

Hunter Huntsman, Son of the Huntsman

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Hunter Huntsman, Son of the Huntsman.

He approaches Roxas with a smile and his hand held out.

Hunter: Hey there names Hunter Huntsman! It's finally nice to introduce myself to you!

He grinned widely as he shakes Roxas hand.

Roxas: Yeah you were in Mr. Knight's class right?

Hunter: Yup! I even asked a few tips from you!

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