Chapter 9: 2nd Day in EAH

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{Day 55}

The next day came and is a start of another day in Ever After High.

Those who came to Roxas welcome party were on their way to class or hanging around the school but some of them were curious to where Roxas had gone last night, especially certain girls.

Maddie: Wow! Yesterday's party was spelltacular! Right?

Raven: Yeah but too bad Roxas left so suddenly, it was his Welcome party after all. He must had been really tired.

Both girls were seen in their lockers, well in Raven's as the girl grabs a book.

Maddie: Bummer, I had so many questions to ask him but oh well! Maybe I could— Oh hey there he is!!

She points out as Raven immediately perks up and looks to see Roxas but with a new look.

Some girls couldn't help but swoon from his looks as Roxas looked really good in his new clothes

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Some girls couldn't help but swoon from his looks as Roxas looked really good in his new clothes.

Raven couldn't help but blush a bit seeing him in it as well, it made him... more cute and charming as it seems.

Maddie: Whoa! Is it me or is Roxas looks more dashingly handsome and stylish in those clothes!

She exclaims as Raven sighs a bit lovingly.

Raven: You're not wrong~ Oh! Uh y-yeah you're right..

She snaps out of it as then Maddie grabs her arm.

Maddie: Come on! Lets go say Hi to him!

Raven: Wha— Maddie wait—!

Maddie: Yoohoo! Roxas over here!!!

Roxas turns to their direction as they walk up to him.

Roxas:Hey Raven, Maddie, what's up?

Raven: Oh um nothing, we just wanted to say hi that's all.

Maddie: And also we're wondering why you left so suddenly last night!

Roxas: Oh I see, but sorry for leaving, last night I was just so tired, after all I had that sparr with Mr. Knight.

Maddie: Really? Then don't worry about it, we're just a bit sad that you weren't able to party with us longer, it was crazy last night right Raven?

Raven: Well I wouldn't say crazy but— nevermind.

Roxas couldn't help but chuckle and smile a bit, something that made the girls a bit flustered.

Raven: So anyway what are you doing?

Roxas: Just exploring, I still haven't gotten used to the school's layout, I mean this place is huge!

Maddie: Teehee~ Oh this place is huge alright! People also gets lost around this place for days!

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