Chapter 1: Finding a sapphic letter

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If you asked Jungkook if he liked to read, he will scream 'no' at you. Why? Because he Loved reading. Reading was something he did every single day without fail. Like literally. You can find him sitting in the campus library at his favorite table, with an old poetry book in hand.

He says that it's because he has History as a subject, he likes reading old books, but that's a lie. His course doesn't require him to read sapphic poems about old women who ran away from their husbands.

Today is a bit different. He is again sitting with a book in hand, reading about the Korean War with rapt interest, knowing if he fails to do so, he will be behind the entire semester. He decided to not get up from the very comfortable chair unless he finishes the book.

But as he finishes only the first 50 pages, he finds a page perched in the book, looking so old, he was afraid he will rip it apart with his hands. Holding his breath, he slowly picks out the yellowed paper and opens it, only to smell a faint scent of flowers, confused about why is a letter in a war memoir?

He opens and reads it, only to end up in tears. Blurry-eyed, he gets out his phone and logs on to Twitter, clicking a picture of it and posting it, writing, I refuse to suffer alone. Look what I found in a very old, boring, and tragic book.

Pocketing the letter and his phone, he leaves the library in hurry to show his partners what he found and forget all about the history project.


"You are not going to believe what I found!" Jungkook exclaimed as soon as he burst into their shared dorm.

"Did you find the proof that your professor is gay?" Taehyung snorts. Jungkook had a theory, a very wild one, at that, that is History professor, oldest one yet the most beautiful one, was gay. It may seem a bit homophobic to think that hey, why can't an old man be gay, but that's because he kept talking about his dead wife all the time.

"Jungkook, you can't ask someone if they are outrightly gay!" Jimin protested when Jungkook told about his theory. Pouting, he just grumbled that he will prove them all wrong.

"No, but I found the greatest love letter of all time in the worst book and it made me cry in public." Jungkook hands them the letter.


Dear Yoonji,

How are you? After you broke my heart when you ran away with another man and broke your own in the process?

I was so angry with your decision, for the longest time ever. But I don't think I could ever resent you. Even if you gave up on us.

But I have to say, if it wasn't for you, I would've taken this decision myself.

Thank you for saving me from doing that. Intentionally choosing to leave you for someone else would've shattered me.

Words aren't enough and neither is this small paper to tell you how much I have loved you and will continue to do so.

It doesn't matter if you're not mine and I'm not yours on paper, because I know my heart only bleeds for you and will continue to do so as long as you let me.

Actually no, even if you protest and forget me, I won't. As long as I live, I will always and always be yours. In each and every universe you'll take me.

And even in those in which you won't take me.

I believe our love story is the greatest one anyone will ever read, but it's sad no one will ever know about us...

I hope a day comes when someone finds this. You, specifically.

But I keep forgetting I have lost you and there is no hope for us in this universe.

Your love,

Namjoo <3


"Man, those tear blotches gave me feels. Like, FEELS."


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