Chapter 4: Grammarly v. Kim Seokjin

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Jungkook entered his class, the next day, with too much passion. If you looked close enough, you could see his entire body shaking out of enthusiasm, and if you stared at him even longer, you could see fire erupting from his body as CGI. He came to the class 40 minutes early and kicked the door down, not expecting anyone. But one look from Kim Seokjin had Jungkook become a blubbering mess.

"I'm letting you go for now. And I must say, your thoughts on how Americans fucked this country-"

"I literally did not write this."

"-and how ultimately ruined a lot of people's lives." Jungkook hummed. Suddenly, the silence seemed too awkward for them, and clearing his throat, Seokjin handed back Jungkook his paper.

"Thank you so- AN 80!" Jungkook screamed. He spent 4 hours on this assignment and sent it at 4 am, too powered up by Namjoo and Yoonji's story, and this is what he gets?

"5-mark deduction for the informal language towards the end, a 3-mark deduction for late submission, 3-marks for changing the topic in the last moment, and the rest because of the grammatical errors." Jungkook's jaw dropped as he processed everything.

"But I got one of the smartest people to do my grammar check! How could you do this to me!" He whined. Seokjin tsked.

"Grammarly can be wrong too. And besides, yours is the highest grade till now, so don't cry. Now, I believe you hav- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Jungkook left the room with tears in his eyes and went straight to where his heart led him.


"So, as much as I like your company, why are you here?" Namjoo brings a cup of tea for Jungkook.

"You said you were an author right? Were you always the smartest?" Jungkook asks her. He should've pestered Namjoo to check his work, but no. He had to have the basic human decency to not call anyone after midnight.

"Jungkook, do you know when I was born? I was born in the times when women were not even considered human beings, but property. If we tried to say anything about even reading, we would've been killed or married off." Namjoo explains. 

"Yoonji was the one who taught me how to read. She was from the family of nobles and her brother became a scholar, later on, I think, so her parents wanted her to be educated."

"Will you..." Namjoo looked at Jungkook expectantly, "Will you please fight with my professor about my grades. He put a very small mark against all my so-called errors, and frankly, it pisses me off more than I should care." Jungkook pouted.

"Maybe your professor is young-"

"He is so old, I can see the grey hair peeking through his dyed hair. He literally complained about his back after taking 5 steps." Namjoo started laughing at his rant.

"I am 80. I am old. Your professor is probably 40 or something."

"I peeked at his ID card once when he was dancing on teacher's day. It definitely said 1935." Namjoo sipped her drink,  remembering injeolmi under the moonlight on her birthday she shared with Yoonji.

"...and then he says in his old man voice, I know who Yoonji is, just get your work- Oh no! That's why he was trying to stop me!" Namjoo is frozen in her seat.

Someone knows where Yoonji is.

"We need to meet him right now!" Namjoo is breathless. She stumbles upon her steps as she tries to get up and is steadied by Jungkook's huge hands.

I'll never let you go again, Yoonji...


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