Sermon Notes

324 15 0

Genesis 24:1-4, 10-28, 50-58, 61-67

Because of His Promise.....

1) We know that we can discern God's will.

2) We can have the confidence to act.

3) We can obey and leave the results to God.


2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 10-12

1 Corinthians 16:1-4

Matthew 6:21

Question 1: How should we Give

a. Regularly

b. With a harvest mindset - give for impact

c. Cheerfully - if we have a lot or a little

Question 2: How much should we give

a. As much as God wants (since God owns it all).

b. The bible teaches proportional/percentage giving. 2 Corinthians 8:12:13

c. The tithe is neither a law nor a limit.


1. God has a design for the family.

1 man, 1 woman, for life

naked and not ashamed chastity before marriage, faithfulness after

leave and cleave be marriage centered

take dominion partnership designed

to win at life

2. Sin has broken God's design,

leading to brokenness in our lives.

3. Brokenness drives us on a search for something better.

2 Corinthians 7:8-9

Romans 2:4

4. The Gospel gives us a new start.

2 Corinthians 5:17

5. The gospel allows us to pursue and recover

God's design from wherever we are.

6. Believers are committed to the process of aligning

out lives with God's design.

Pursue faithfulness in marriage

resist divorce

Be marriage-centered (not child-centered, parent-centered, work-centered, hobby-centered, etc.)


1. God owns everything

Psalm 50:10-12

God is the maker

Gen 1:1; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 50:12; Job 41:11; Col 1:16

God is the ruler

Mark 4:41;Job 38:4-7

God is the sustainer

Job 38:12-18; Hebrews 1:3

2. We own nothing

James 1:17; 1 Tim 6:7; Job 1:21; 2 Con 6:10; Romans 1:1

3. God owns us

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

He made us-Gen 1:26

He sustains us-Isaiah 41:10

He redeemed us-Psalm 103:2-5

he will return for us-John 14:3

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