My Struggles

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So what I learned today was that when I tried teaching my friends about God and Jesus they weren't too hot about it. Sadly I had to lose them and I thought I did something very wrong; it was because I was outnumbered and I felt like no one was here for me to defend me. Then I started pleading with God to clean this mess up and make everything back to normal, because I didn't want to feel left out. I was afraid of being alone having no one to talk to and I thought all this is my fault. Then as I started talking to more people about it like gunners_mate. Oh My Gosh!!!!! This girl is like The Wattpad Therapist, I know she told me that she wants to join the army and all but this has to be one of her top talents.

I consider myself as a new Christian I don't exactly know how to deal with situations where I have to defend myself and God, so if someone tells me something that hurts my feelings and makes my faith weaker, and when that happens I start doubting. So just to make sure I didn't do anything wrong I talked it over with my sister and she showed me a chapter from the Bible I think it was God telling her to show it to me and when I read it was in such awe. I never looked at it like that, so for if you want to read the chapter I found in the bible it will be Part 20 in My Favorite Bible Verse and Quotes. I hope you will vote and comment on either one it will be fine.

 Listen to the song >>>> as you read the lyrics please

"Sitting With Me"

 They say, there she goes

 That ol' holy roller

 Think she's special, someone needs to tell her

 That she ain't no better than me

 They say, she's such a geek

 That ol' Jesus freak

 Every-time she opens up her mouth to speak

 She's always talkin' bout being saved and holy

 That was me, Miss unpopular

 Never asked to be part of the in crowd

 But everyone knew who I was

Cause my life screamed Jesus, out loud!


 Yeah, I've been left out, looked over

 Just for carrying this cross on my shoulder

 But it's okay, with me

 If I'm the last one that's picked for the team

 I'll sit on the sideline

As long as he's sitting with me

They said he wasn't ordinary

 Cause he wanted to be married

 Before he let himself be with someone else

 Even said he was unnatural

But what they didn't see, didn't see that he

 He was much more man

 Than they'd ever be

 Cause he was a man of integrity

 Just like me, he was Mister unpopular

 Never asked to part of the in crowd

 Everyone knew who he was

 Cause his life screamed Jesus out loud!


 Yeah, I've been left out, looked over

 Just for carrying this cross on my shoulder

 But it's okay, with me

 If I'm the last one that's picked for the team

 I'll sit on the sideline

As long as he's sitting with me

I know someday I'll shine

 I'll wait till it's my time

 But I won't move

 I'll sit with you


 Yeah, I've been left out, looked over

 Just for carrying this cross on my shoulder

 But it's okay, with me

 If I'm the last one that's picked for the team

 I'll sit on the sideline

As long as he's sitting with me

 Left out, looked over

 Just for carrying this cross on my shoulder

 But it's okay, with me

 It's okay, with me

 I'll sit on the sideline

As long as he's sitting with me

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