♥Chapter 5♥

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"If you can't follow simple instructions, how can you follow your heart"


"Although there is no snake inside this temple, there are a lot of hallways here, so you can easily get lost"The male villager said while handinng us a bottle of some sorts.

"If ever you get lost and we cant see or hear you, it would take a while for us to find you, so make sure all of you have enough food in there, this bottle that I'm giving you it can help you defend yourself against snakes" The female villager said while holding the bottle with this black liquid inside it.

"All you have to do is open the cap, and the snakes would run away, be mindful though one bottle can onky last an hour before the smell washes away, so make sure it is worth it" She said as she started walking into a hallway on our right.

"The carvings on the walls here are so intricate, and although they seem old, they are still preserved"Dad said while looking at a wall wuth his glasses on looking for tiny details.

"Yes, this have been here for about 9th century and our ancestors did their best to keep them the way they were, so hands off everyone." The female villager said while pulling my dad's collar, pushing him back to us.

I heard Selene snicker beside me making me give her a side eye to shut her up."First we will go to the prayer room, where 2 villager each year pray for another safe year and more to the naga's"

I tuned out what they were talking about and just looked u, enchanted by the beautiful ceiling. It had this carving of some sorts of a woman crying, tears falling down her face, and she was holding three blankets running towards the forest.

I feel as if I'm being pulled towards the woman, wanting to shout not to go to the forest and turn around"Y/N!!" I turned around shocked. I saw Selene looking at me with a frown on her forehead.

"I've been calling your name for about 5 minutes but you kept staring at the ceiling, are you okay?" She asked me touching my forehead.

"I'm fine, where are the others?" I asked seeing that it was only us in the hallway."They left 5 minutes ago, I stayed behind because you weren't moving"She said making me a bit confused.

"Anyways, what got you so focused huh?" She asked while looking up"I don't know, I just feel connected to that woman I feel as if I should stop her"I told her making her shake her head.

"It must be the obssesion talking for you"She said laughing. Maybe, maybe it really was my love for mystery pulling me towards the woman.

"Anyway, where did they go?" i asjed making Selene rub her head"About that, hahhahaha, I forgot, its just I was so focused on calling you that I didnt look where they went to" she said making me sigh"Its fine its my fault. "

We started walking through the hundreds of hallways, making us get more lost than ever"Where did they gooo? HELLOO! GUYS CAN YOU HEAR ME!? HELPPPP!"Selene yelled loudly making me cover my ears.

"Lets calm down first we have enough food to last a week, and by then I'm sure we are back with the others"I said as I rubbed her back making her calm down.

"ok"after she calm downI started looking around,"Okay, first we need someplace we can sleep in for the night since we have been walking for hours now, so I'm sure its already night time" I said as imI held her hand and continued walking.

We walked another 30 minutes before I saw this door that was just calling me, I let go of Selene's hands and pushed the door open.

When I opened the door I first saw this massive bed with black covers. The bed seemed to fit about 10 people in total, so it is huge, The walls are also beautiful wuth carvings of naga's and the floor is carpeted.

"I think people have been sleeping here, I mean how would they get carpets when the room in the village have wooden floors, this just seem almost impossible" I told Selene as she continued walking inside.

"I dont really care right now, I'm just too tired to even be cautious" She said as she jumped in the bed making me sigh and follow her.

"You should atleast eat before you sleep Selene" I told her as I rubbed her head"I'll eat laterrr" after a few second I hear her snoring making me laugh lowly.

I opened my back and took a bread I put in there earlier and started eating as I looked around the room. The walls seem old but recently cleaned, while there were some stuff that are very new, that it almost seem impossible for it to be here, such as a microwave, and an oven,and the most shocking is a fridge full of food, making me more suspicious than I already am.

I slept holding my knife against my chest and Selene on my side.I woke up when I heard a "ssssss" sound beside me.I saw a huge black mamba making me scared, and started looking for my bag when the snake started rubbing its head on my arms, making me stop.

I started recognizing the snake, as the one I helped the other day making me smile"Hey there little one, glad to see you're okay" I said as I rubbed its scales. It started hissing while pointing its head towards the door, making me think it wants me to follow it.

I woke up Selene, and laughed at her when she screamed because of the snake. Eventually she calmed down and we started walking out the dokr following the snake, but Selene is still very cautious.

After walking about an hour we came back where Dad were, and seeing them Selene ran towards them crying in joy.

I looked beside me where the snake used to be, seeing it gone, I looked up the ceiling once again silently thanking the snake.

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