Gender, sexualities and stuff of some characters

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The characters I'm going to talk about are a big mix between my ocs, some recurrent characters in my hc and other countries (and other) I had some ideas for. There aren't every countries because I don't have complete headcanons for every single one of them (I even wonder if that's even possible).

Also I don't mean to insult or hurt anyone with my headcanons, so please don't send any hate to me or other people in the comments. Thank you in advance.

And sorry for not having much characters being something else than cis (I have some more that are not in this list but it's still not enough for my tastes). I'm working to change it.

This chapter is bound to get updated with new characters when I get them.

Cis woman / bisexual / biromantic / switch
❤ Russany
Polygamous, tokophobe, very horny bitch. Has weird kinks like menophilia.

Cis man / pansexual / panromantic / bottom
❤ Fredly
The ultimate lil bean (according to Fredly). Says fuck to patriarchy by being feminine. Legally can make the "attracted to pans" joke, being a pansexual cook.

Cis woman / lesbian / homoromantic / top
Teaches little kids to say fuck.

Cis woman / grey sexual / demiromantic / top energy

Cis woman / lesbian / homoromantic / top
❤️ Île-de-France
The "like the other girls" dating the "not the other girls"

Cis woman / lesbian / homoromantic / bottom
The "not like the other girls" dating the "like the other girls"

Cis man / demisexual / panromantic / bottom
❤ Belgium
An old and rich bean.

Cis man / gay / homoromantic / top
❤ Luxembourg
Enjoys waffles and fries way too much for his own good.

Cis man / bisexual (preference for men) / biromantic / switch (mostly bottom but hides it for some reasons)

Cis man / pansexual / aromantic / top
The guy who probably fucked your mom without you knowing.

Cis woman / straight / heteroromantic / bottom
Petite and cute bean

Cis man / straight / heteroromantic / top

Cis man / bisexual / biromantic / switch (but mostly top)
❤️ Italy

Cis man / gay / homoromantic / switch
❤️ Spain

Cis woman / straight / heteroromantic / switch
❤ UK (It's complicated)
Best baguette mom.

Cis man / straight / heteroromantic / switch
❤ France (Still complicated)

Cis man / gay / homoromantic / bottom
❤ Russia

Cis man / bisexual / homoromantic / top
❤ Germany
Can be a big teddy bear only with those he likes.

Cis woman / bisexual (preference for women) / biromantic / switch
❤ Latvia
Fell in love with Latvia before she transitioned, dated her after (you'll see later). Enjoys potatoes.

Cis man / demisexual / homoromantic / bottom
❤ Canada

Cis man / demisexual / biromantic / top
❤ East Germany (now deceased)
Legally cannot bottom because of his traumas.

Cis woman / asexual (sex repulsed) / grey romantic / top energy

Trans woman / lesbian / homoromantic / bottom
❤ Belarus
Was considered as Estonia's brother before. Had to fully transition in the mid 2010's (socially and physically). Also really enjoys potatoes.

Cis man / bisexual / panromantic / bottom
Has a massive crush on Finland.

Cis man / gay / homoromantic / switch

Cis man / gay / heteroromantic / top
Will play Minecraft in Ikea with you.

Cis man / pansexual / grey romantic / switch (but mostly top)
Doesn't mind Estonia's crush, he even is quite close to him anyway.

Cis man / asexual (sex repulsed) / aromantic / switch energy

Cis man / straight / heteroromantic / top (slowly becoming a switch)
Realized pegging is cool.

Cis man / asexual (sex repulsed) / grey romantic / switch energy

Cis woman / omnisexual / omniromantic / bottom

Cis man / bi curious / switch
❤️ South Korea and Japan
Way too close to Canada.

Cis man / pansexual / panromantic / switch (but mostly top)
❤ Ukraine
Doesn't mind USA being way too close.

Cis man / gay / homoromantic / top

New Zealand
Cis man / asexual / panromantic / switch energy

Cis woman / pansexual / panromantic / switch
❤️ USA and South Korea
Bodypillow addict.

South Korea
Cis man / bisexual / biromantic / switch (but mostly bottom)
❤️ USA and Japan
Gamer and beauty boy.

Cis man / says he's straight but is not / switch (mostly top)
Was totally gay for USSR but hid it with "We're just comrades !"

Cis man / straight / heteroromantic / top

Cis woman / straight / heteroromantic / switch

Cis man / bisexual (preference for men) / biromantic / switch (but mostly bottom)
❤ UN
Serious, privacy has no place at work.

Cis man / gay / homoromantic / top
❤ EU
The guy who's goal is to make the world better (let's hope he succeeds one day).

East Germany
Gender queer (but always has been considered as a boy and so used he/him pronouns) / grey sexual / biromantic / bottom
❤ Poland

Cis man / straight (heteroflexible) / aromantic / top
Too self-centered to love someone anyway. He did gay stuff sometimes but said "no homo" so it's still straight.

German Empire
Cis man / bisexual / biromantic / switch (but mostly top)
❤ Austria-Hungary (as the main one)
Polygamous and polyromantic, his loved ones being his human wife, Austria-Hungary, Alsace-Lorraine and probably Poland (those two last ones weren't really consenting to it-). Known to fuck his allies as a whole.

Third Reich
Cis man / straight / aromantic / top
Homophobe and hypocrite : thinks gay people are disgusting but not yourself when raping men to assert your "dominance" and torture them. What a bitch.

Cis man / straight (not really) / top
Also a big hypocrite. Gays are disgusting but not him who's fucking / raping random guys including his own sons and those poor Poland and East Germany. Fucking bastard.

Cis woman / bi curious / switch (but mostly top)
❤ Czechoslovakia
Another hypocrite : being a slut is bad but not her who had seven children with different fathers for each (without counting all the other people she fucked without having kids).

Cis woman / lesbian / homoromantic / bottom
❤️ Yugoslavia
Fucked a man once only to have her sons and then enjoyed her lesbian life as much as possible.

Cis man / gay / homoromantic / bottom
❤ German Empire (his only true love)
Had a wife and children even if he didn't even like women because why not (the mentality of the time may not have helped). Had a relationship with the German Empire that could be resumed as "omg they were allies".


Little bonus :

Here are all my other non-cis characters. I didn't canonize any sexuality for them, so that's why I haven't put them with the others but I thought it was still worth it to showcase these representations here as well.

Bar-le-Duc : trans woman (she/her)
Nord-Pas-de-Calais : trans man (he/him)
Quebec : amab non-binary (he/they)
Meuse : non-binary (they/them)
Kingdom of Hungary : afab non-binary (they/them)

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