Countrycat AU presentation

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The Countrycat AU is an AU where all the CH characters are cats. The setting is a street, of a town, close to a little forest, where cats of all sorts (domestics, strays, wilds...) can live, in this environment full of variety.

It's a challenge to manage to fit each of the characters, to give a place to everyone. But the biggest hardship I've faced while making this AU was to fit history into all of it. After all, they're cats, they do not care about human ideologies and "reasons" to go on full on wars. So translating these massive conflicts, that had taken so many lives away, into small cat fights was kinda hard. I tried to do my best, I can't go into all the details here, I already explored some of it in 'A Devil in the Street' and will continue on that path with potential future fics.


I separate the cats into four groups, or kinds (even if there may be some overlap) :

- The domestic cats (cats who are owned by humans and most, if not all, the time live with their owners)

UKCat, FranceCat, FredlyCat / CanadaCat / USACat / BelgiumCat, NetherlandCat, LuxembourgCat / AustrianEmpireCat X, AustriaHungaryCat X, AustriaCat / PrussiaCat X, GermanEmpireCat X, WeimarRepublicCat X, ThirdReichCat X, EastGermanyCat X, GermanyCat, RussanyCat / RussianEmpireCat X / FrenchKingdomCat X / EnglandCat / LiechtensteinCat / ChampagneArdenneCat / MeuseCat / MetzCat / NancyCat / Bar-le-DucCat / ParisCat / ViennaCat / UNCat / EUCat / ChinaCat / SouthKoreaCat / JapanCat

- The stray cats (cats living together or alone directly in the streets, sometime getting fed by kind humans)

PolandCat, WarsawCat, HungaryCat, CzechiaCat, SlovakiaCat, CzechoslovakiaCat X / LithuaniaCat, LatviaCat, EstoniaCat / YugoslaviaCat X, SerbiaCat, MontenegroCat, BosniaCat, SloveniaCat, MacedoniaCat, KosovoCat, CroatiaCat (they don't live together anymore, but since they were one litter with their mother, they did spend some time together when they were young, before separating) / LorraineCat, AlsaceCat, AlsaceLorraineCat X (same situation as the latter) / Bas-RhinCat, Haut-RhinCat / Ile-de-FranceCat / SaarlandCat / LondonCat / NorthKoreaCat

- The wild cats (cats mainly living in the forest near the town, sometimes occasionally visiting the streets)

NorwayCat, IcelandCat, SwedenCat, DenmarkCat, FinlandCat, ÅlandCat, GreenlandCat, FaroeCat / USSRCat X / RussiaCat, BelarusCat (it's more conplicated than that, it depends) / UkraineCat / KazakhstanCat / Nord-Pas-de-CalaisCat, BretagneCat / PacaCat / SpainCat, ItalyCat / MonacoCat / SwitzerlandCat / KingdomofHungaryCat X / BrandenburgCat / QuebecCat / TurkeyCat

- The half-domestics half-wild (these cats living a life that is a mix between a domestic and a stray/wild ; doesn't belong to any human but are taken care of by particular individuals, can even spend time inside their home when they feel like it, while remaining independent cats of the outside world, I also count farm cats to be part of this category)

AustraliaCat, NewZealandCat (farm cats) / BerlinCat (hangs mostly around the German family and their owners) / VerdunCat (mainly around MeuseCat and Bar-le-DucCat's owners, the latter's helped her with her amputated front leg) / IrelandCat (mascot of the local pub during the day) / MoselleCat, MeurtheCat, VosgesCat (also farm cats, though Vosges is more domesticated than the other two)

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