Comparison between countries and their capital cities

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People say pets and owners are almost always alike, so I wanted to test if this was also true with countries/lesser territories and their capital cities (even if this link doesn't make any sense).

After all, being their main cities, capital cities have the goal to represent the country/lesser territory they belong to, right ? So I tried to test that.

Most of the cities I've drawn yet are capitals, at the only exception of Verdun, so I'll go through them and see if they have anything in common with their owners or not (in term of personality, fashion styles... literally anything). Some of these cities belong to multiple CH, so I'll compare them all.

And I'll stick to characters that are alive today, I may refer to some old country as well but it won't be the main point.


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UK, England and London

I guess their designs is the best indication that I've planned them to be pretty similar. All three of them are overly fancy and are supposed to fit within the archetype of the stereotypical gentleman (and gentlewoman).

The only difference between them that could be mentioned is that London is acting way more like a grumpy old lady, while UK and England are more vague about their feelings and the way they are expressed to the world. London isn't scared about saying what she has on her heart, even if it has to come with a little hit of her cane. I guess she had lost some of her prestige and is a bit pissed about it.

Other than that, they share the same vibe overall.

Other than that, they share the same vibe overall

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France, Ile-de-France and Paris

I would say that France and Paris are very alike, personality wise, They both have a massive ego, tend to place themselves above other (though Paris is worst in that domain) and believe they are the best in term of fashion, food...

Paris is also like London in the way that he too had some prestige before, that he looses more and more with time. It's just that, unlike her who still acts as if nothing changed, Paris completely lost the act, in term of clothes at least. Though it doesn't prevents him from actually continuing it and still be self-centered. So now he dresses like he doesn't care anymore but still acts like he does. For France, she kept the full act, fancy outfits and all. After all, people still perceive her this way.

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