The dinner

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I went downstairs to see all types of different dishes set on the table and all the Avengers (except Peter) including Pepper, sitting down. I took the seat closest to Tony, across from Pepper, next to Steve.

"So Y/N, what did you do for 6 years by yourself?", Steve asked me and suddenly everyone stared at me intrigued to see what I had to say.

"Well, when I was 11, I travelled around the whole world trying to find at least one person, but to my luck I didn't find anyone alive. But for most of the journey, I was trying to figure out how to fly a plane so I didn't have to walk everywhere. I think it took me two-three months to learn. I eventually went back to New York and decided I would just live at the Avengers Facility. When I was 12, 13 and 14 I had read almost every book in all the libraries I had found and I knew how to play any and every instrument. At least every month or so I would try to learn a new skill, like building a house. It wasn't fun to be alone but I had myself as company and my many, many, many hobbies", I said concluding my story.

They all stared at me in awe, as if they wished they wished they were me. That is when all the Avengers started to shout to ask me questions.

"What are the Pyramids like?"

"Do you know how to fence?"

"Do you know all the languages of the world?"

"Did you have a pet?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, don't make the kids eardrums burst with your questions", Tony said.

"It's okay, you guys are a lot like the Avengers on my Earth but very different", I said.

"Different how?", Tony asked intrigued.

"Well, your very different from the Tony Stark I know, he was very quiet, didn't like to be interrupted when he was working, and was very afraid of anything and everything and would usually ask Pepper do most of the fighting", I said and giggled a little.

Tony looked very offended that he was such a coward on the other Earth, meanwhile, Pepper was smiling uncontrollably at the fact she fought most of Tony's battles on the other Earth. I began to explain the differences between everyone there and their doppelgänger on the other Earth.

Steve – Very fierce and got annoyed easily, but very soft on the inside just never shows it

Natasha – Very emotional and usually comes to me for advice

Wanda – Very selfish, usually plays pranks on the Avengers

Bruce – Is always angry even when he is not the Hulk

Clint – Is very soft at heart but does not know how to use a bow and arrow

Rhodey – Is very sarcastic and acts like a girl most of the time

Sam – Likes to stay at home and is scared to be the next Captain America

Bucky – Likes to knit and give gift but can be very scary if someone hurts his friends

Pepper – Very scary when she can be, but cares very deeply about everyone but sometimes she just doesn't show it

Thor – Is very manipulative and very, very, very annoying

Loki – Very kind hearted and sentimental

Vision – Still the same as the one in this universe

Dr Strange – Is a woman and is very strict about her rules

They were all shocked about how different they were on the other Earth, the person who was most shocked was Loki, he couldn't believe he was so soft on another planet that he literally fainted and Thor had to carry him home with him. I had decided to go to bed after I thank, but not without pranking them first. For some weird reason I can't get drunk, I know weird right.

(I know I stole this from The Flash, but I'm the author so I can do whatever I want :)

I found a bottle of Tequila at the bar and stood in front of all the Avengers and chugged the whole thing. Tony quickly ran towards me and snatched the bottle from my hands while Pepper looked like she was about to go full on mum on me. I just stood there and looked at them curiously trying to act innocent.

"What? It's just water", I said innocently trying not to laugh.

"It's not water!", Tony said in a panicked tone.

I couldn't hold my laugh in any longer and started to laugh so hard that I was on the floor. They all looked at me as if I was crazy. After I finished my laughing fit I stood up and spoke.

"You should've all seen you faces!", I said still laughing slightly.

Tony leaned over to Pepper and whispered, "I think the Tequila kicked in"

"No, I can't get drunk", I said casually.

"Respect kid", Bucky said beating his chest with a fist.

"Okay, I think I've traumatised you all enough, I'm going to bed", I said and with that I skipped to my room leaving Tony, Pepper and the rest of the Avengers in shock.

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