Chapter 1 - Heading To Pelican Town

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TW for this chapter is just the general feeling of unworthyness
Italics show Annette's thoughts
I hope you enjoy~

Annette woke up and glared at the screaming clock. 
Ugh why does the bus have to be so damn early? 
She smacked at it until it stopped screaming and  grumble a bit before begrudgingly sitting up, as much as she could roll over she couldn't. It was move in day. She sulked out of the room and saw the new roommate still passed out on the sofa. They had let them move in a week before I was moving out since they'd had nowhere to go. She tiptoed around them to get to the kitchen. Annette contemplated some cereal but decided against it as the nerve of moving already made her feel nauseous. Instead she grabbed a glass of water then retreated to her room. I'll be fine I'm not really doing anything today anyway. After she closed the door she brushed her teeth and grabbed a quick shower before throwing her remaining toiletries into her bag she did a quick once over of the room making sure she didn't forgot anything. Good thing she did she was about to leave her charger and her favorite purple hoodie. She slipped on the hoodie and grabbed her charger putting it in her bag by the door. Just as she did her roommate knocked on her door. 
"Hey, are you ready?" 
"Yeah just finished up. Thanks for taking me to the bus station" 
"No problem" She paused for a second as if thinking but didn't say anything else
"We should head out so I don't miss my bus" 
"Yeah let's go" 
They loaded Annette's stuff into the truck and left for the station. 
"Did you want to stop for some breakfast?" Arial asked
"No, I had some cereal before I showered" Annette lied I really don't want spent my savings on food right now 
"Oh, I didn't see a bowl on the sink" 
Shit I should've know she'd check she knows me too well "I cleaned it and put it back" 
Arial looked at me skeptically before turning back to the road "Well I'm hungry so we are gonna stop and I'm buying you something so what do you want" 
"Come on don't waste your money, I said I already ate" 
"It's a small moving out gift let me do this for you" 
Annette caved "Fine I guess a chicken biscuit or something" She knew Ariel would just keep pushing the matter and she didn't want to be her to be suspicious or she'd try to make her stay in the city where someone would make sure she ate, probably at another hospital. 
Arial pulled in to a drive through and bought the food for them both and drove the rest of the way to the bus station where both girls ate their breakfast 
"Thanks, " Annette said sheepishly "for breakfast" You shouldn't have spent you hard earned money on me though 
"No problem" Arial replied "you could've just told me you hadn't eaten I was gonna buy you breakfast either way"
Damn she saw right through me "Can't hide anything from you can I?" Annette sighed "I just wasn't really hungry, nerves you know" 
"Yeah that's fair, but you still need food especially if you're going to be a farmer you're gonna need your energy" 
"I guess so" Doesn't mean I want you to waste your money one me I already feel bad that you had to waste your morning and gas 
They both continued to eat in silence. Once they were done Arial sighed
"Don't overwork yourself out there" 
I laughed a little "I'll try not to" 
"Good" Arial looked out to a bus pulling in "Well that's probably your bus" 
She checked the time and its right around the time to board the bus "Yeah, looks like its time for our sappy goodbyes" 
Arial snorted "It must be, I'll go first I guess" she laughed a second before continuing "Oh, Annette don't forget us!" she began dramatically "You shall always have a place in our hearts and in our apartment" she exclaimed dramatically throwing herself across the car to cling to me
Stifling my laughter "Oh how could I ever forget you my dearest!!" she latched back onto Ariel and fake a sob
We both look up in each other's eye for just a moment before bursting out into laughter
"Yoba, I will miss you" Ariel said wiping a tear from her
"I'll miss you too" 
They both climbed out of the car and Annette grabbed her bags 
"I'll call you once I get settled in, maybe not today but by the end of the week for sure" 
"Cool, text me when you get there" 
"You got it, I just hope I get good enough signal out there" 
They share one last hug goodbye and I trot my way to the bus bags in tow. I preset my ticket to the driver
"Pelican Town, huh" the driver looked a little confused "haven't been that far in a while, your stop will be last so get comfy" 
She nod and thank the driver before heading to the back the bus and wedging herself in far back corner and attempt to get comfortable and before dozing off

AN I kinda forgot about Arial and keeping up with her so this might be the only time we even see her my bad lol

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