Chapter 8 - Coffee And Important Phones Calls

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Tw alcohol mention, small injury and blood

Annette rolled off her bed starling her awake shit that hurt
She stood feeling the pain in lower back from the impact
So it gonna be that kind of day I guess
She then stumbled to the kitchen and grabbed a field snack before picking up the wine bottle
Shit that's right I finished this yesterday she groaned throwing the bottle away. She was desperate for something to ease her need maybe a coffee would help she remembered Harvey's offer to have some with her, checking the time she say he wouldn't be up for another hour
Ugh I may as well get something done around here
She stepped outside to see Robin stepping onto her porch
"Oh good morning Annette I'm here to work on the house!" Robin chirped
How is she so peppy so early
Annette grabbed her hoodie from the hook by the door and slipped it on "Sounds good do you need anything from me?"
"Nope I see the wood I'm just gonna get working, enjoy your day and don't mind me"
"Cool let me know if you need anything from me but I am going town in a bit" please don't press me about it I don't need another person bugging me about Harvey
"I should be good" she turned toward the house and began working
Annette also turned and checked over crops quickly nothing will be ready till tomorrow when the hay finishes growing she checked the time once me 30 minutes then I'll call him
She resolved to break up some stones when while she waited
After a while she stopped to gather all the stone as she reached down for another store and felt a sharp sting on her hand looking at it she saw blood slowly seep from the shallow cut
Shit Annette rushed inside throwing the stone into a chest and rushed to the sink to rinse her palm
Damn it that stings Annette quickly wrapped her hand before checking the time once again Damn it it's 7:45 she scrolled through her contacts find his info before calling him
"Hello" a confused groggy voice answered
"Morning Harvey, it's Annette" she replied "would today be alright for that coffee?"
Harvey yawned "Yeah that sounds good I just started the pot so feel free to come down"
"Cool, I'm on my way"
"See you in a bit Annette"
"See you then Harve" Annette then hung up the phone and set off slipping on her favorite purple hoodie as she walked
After just a few moments she stopped in front of the clinic and reached for the door knob as her heart raced
I can't believe I'm willing seeing a doctor right now even if he is my friend it just feels so weird not being forced into a building like this
Annette then turned the knob and walked in knocking on the door toward the back where she knew his appartment was
"Annette is that you? Feel free to come on up" Harvey called down to her
She slowly went up the stair still a little weary of her souroundings
I'm pretty sure we're the only ones here I don't think anyone could have hid in a way that I wouldn't be able to guess they were here it should ok
Once Annette reached the top of stairs  Harvey greeted her
"Morning Annette I left a mug on the counter help yourself"
She did just that and sat next to him on the couch "How are you this morning"
"Better now that I've gotten half a cup of coffee in me"
Annette laughed dryly and took a sip from the mug
"How come you don't buy your own coffee maker?" he asked
"The farmhouse is pretty small so didn't have anywhere to put it but as we speak Robin is doing some renovations for me which will add a kitchen so hopefully soon I can get one"
"You've been here a month and haven't had a kitchen what did you eat?"
Shit maybe I shouldn't have said that "I've been burning a whole in my wallet at the Saloon for lunch or dinner a bunchand I've eaten some convenience food for everything else
Not entirely a lie field snacks and stuff like that are convence foods
"Unfortunately I'm not one to judge convence food my fridge and freezer are chock full of the crap I only really eat a real meal when I grab something at the Saloon too" Harvey shrugged
They sat in silence drinking coffee until Harvey dropped his hand onto the couch accidentally landing on Annette hand startling them both
"My apologies Annette" he glanced at her hand noticing the bandages wrapped around it "What happened to your hand"
Damn I forgot all about that
"I cut my hand earlier on a rock but it's all good"
"Here let me take a look I'll wrap it up properly so it doesn't get infected"
Annette set her mug down an hesitantly showed him her palm silently praying he wouldn't try to roll up her sleeve I really don't want him to see my scars he'd never believe me about them
He didn't even look at her sleeve just began to slowly unwrapped her hand and inspecting the cut
Annette blushed lightly at how close he was to her
"It pretty shallow so it won't need stitches or anything like that let me disinfect it then rewrap it
He stood and briskly walked toward the door turning back only to say "Dont move your hand I'll be right back"
She sat anxiously awaiting his return what if he saw them my sleeve isnt even pulled all the way down, what if he went to call for reinforcements to take me away she sat there catastrophizing until Harvey returned and swiftly sat back next to her
"This will probably sting a lot" he warned before applying the disinfectant
Annette flinched not quite ready for the pain she hissed trying to force herself to not jerk away from the pain
"I know, I know it's the worst part" Harvey tried to soothe "But now it's clean and all I need to do it wrap it" which he did quickly before releasing her hand
It still stung but it was slowly fading away
"Are you alright? You look kind of pale and you face is flush"
"I'm-yeah yeah I'm alright I'm just still not the most comfortable with medical stuff still"
He noticed my blush damn it Annette get it under control
"Fair enough just try to remember I only want to help"
"I know remembering that was the only reason I didn't jerk my hand back when you used the disinfectant" she teased
Harvey chuckled "Well that sounds like progress, now let finish our coffees before they get too cold"
They both picked up their mugs and made idle small talk until they heard Maru call out
"Harvey are you here? I'm here for my shift" she yelled up the stair her voice getting closer
Harvey stood immediately looking to the clock "Damn how did time get away from me like that" he looked back to Annette "I guess that's what happens when I've got someone great to talk to"
Maru then emerged into the room and notice the pair
"Oh sorry am I interrupting something" she took a step back to retreat down the stares
Both Harvey and Annette blushed at the implication
"No, we were just had some coffee and I was just leaving" Annette quickly stood and made her way toward the stairs
"Yes! Yes, and I will be down in just a moment Maru I just need to freshen up really quick" Harvey added
Maru glanced at each other them before responding "Alright then... Annette I'll walk you out"
"Thanks I appreciate it let's go" Annette turned back to Harvey for a second "Bye Harve see you around"
"Have a good day Annette!"
Once Maru and Annette had gotten out of the apartment Maru broke their silence
"I promise I won't tell a soul but did anything happen up there"
Annette blushed a little harder "No we just had coffee and talked for a little longer than we thought"
Maru narrowed her eyes trying to tell if she was lying
I swear to Yoba if a rumor spreads about us I will strangle this girl
"Well did you want something to happen?"
The question caught Annette off gaurd did I want something to happen? I mean part of me did, part of me still misses her and  most of me is still terrified of all doctors no matter how kind, sweet and handsome he is
Annette sighed "Honestly I don't even know he really nice but doctors usually just make me uncomfy"
"Well incase you were curious he's been talking about you a lot lately, all good things too" Maru grinned
"You're lying"
"I promise, he also seem kinda daydreaming lately too"
Could he really be interested in me too, what if he's just trying to figure out how to trap me so he can lock me away, but what if he's not
Annette cleared her throat "Thank you for the uh- information" Annette replied as she opened the door
"No problem" Maru winked at her, grinning as she left

It'd been a two days since the coffee 'date' Annette and Harvey had and she still couldn't stop wondering if Harvey was maybe interested in her too
She was heading toward the door the begin working for the day and just as she reached for the knob someone knocked
"Annette are you home it's Harvey I wanted to check on your hand for you" a brief pause before he added "I also brought coffee to share"
"Uh give me one second I'm not decent" she groaned blushing of course I couldn't think of a better excuse than 'tell the guy I like I'm naked'
She scrambled to grab the first long sleeved thing from her bedroom, a sweater, and throwing it on before answering the door
"Morning Harvey sorry about the wait" she let him inside
"It no big deal I just want to come check on you and make sure your hand healed nicely. Harvey looked around the farmhouse and noticing the newly completed kitchen
"I see Robin finshed up in here, it looks nice"
"Yeah it's way bigger now I even have a bedroom sepreated by a wall" she joked holding out her arms showing off the wall in question "and if you've ever lived in the city you know how much of luxury that is"
Harvey chuckled "I used to live in some dorms when I was in med school so I definitely understand the feeling" he took a seat at the table and gestured to the chair next to him "Now let me check out your hand"
Annette sat next to him "I did unwrap it yesterday to a change the bandage but I definitely didn't rewrapp it as well as you did" she warned
"At least you knew to keep an eye on it my first patient when I was on my residency had left the same bandage of a wound for 3 weeks before relizing it was infected
Annette winced "Ew"
"Fair enough it was pretty gross to see" Harvey unwrapped and inspected her hand before continuing "your hand is healing nicely so that's good" varvery reached into his bag and pulled out scissors and bandages and wrapped the cut once more and set down the scissors just as his phone rang
He reached into coat pocket and pulled out a cell phone
"Hello... Yes this is Dr. Harvey... Alright I understand... The 2nd of Fall sounds good... I'll call the association back if I need anything else, how long will I be there... Just a week, sounds good... Alright have a great day yourself"
Annette say there Inan anxious silence waiting for him to finish the conversation
There's no way he'd talk about anything involving me so plainly right? It's just something else right?
Harvey cleared his throat before explaining "Sorry about that, the Zuzu  Medical Association needed to talk to me really quick"
Great so he is apart of the Zuzu Medical Association hopefully he really doesn't know about me
"Everything alright?" She asked trying to distract herself from her thoughts
"Oh they just need me for a week next month and was checking if I was available"
"Will we just not have a doctor for week" she questioned I'd rather have warning if someone else who may know me will be in town
"It will probably be a med student or two since I'll only be gone a week"
Good even if I do need help they won't recognize me, I'll still play it safe and stay out of trouble
"Well I guess I need to get back and do some paperwork to accept the request and ensure someone will be in town to keep everything running smoothly" he pulled a large thermos from his bag "Here I know you don't have a coffee maker yet so I'll leave this with you just bring it back to me in a day or two and I also found these and thought they could benifit you" he then pulled out a pair of work gloves  and set them on the table with the thermos "Hopefully you won't hurt your hands again on any sharp rocks"
Before Annette could even respond he was almost out the door, she quickly stood and followed him
"Thank you I really appreciate it Harvey" she called to him as he rushed off poor guy is gonna have a busy day
Annette enjoyed some coffee before slipping  on the gloves and getting to work for the day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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