Chapter 7 - Making Plans

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Tw anxiety, alcohol, scars

A few weeks had passed since the egg festival and it was now early summer. Her follow up appointment with Harvey went well. He asked a few questions about how she felt and only question he asked caught her off gaurd.
"Have you had any more nightmares?"
"What?" She asked startled
"The last night you were in here you had a nightmare, you told me it was about if things had gone worse that day. Have you had any more?"
Annette scratches the back of her head "Oh, uh no I'd honestly kinda forgotten about it" which was a lie, she had several nightmares all about Harvey discovering the truth please don't think I'm lying
"That's good if you were I was going to refer you to a psychologist and unfortunately you would probably have make the trek into Zuzu for it" Harvey scribbled down a few more notes "If anything comes up feel free to reach out to be and I'll try to find a councilor who will meet over the phone"
She felt a lump form on her throat, she nodded her head I'm glad he doesn't want me to see one anyway there's no way I would have been able to find anyone in Zuzu who wouldn't be apart of the city's medical association
He didn't seem suspicious of Annette just went through the rest a normal check up which relived Annette and he even invited her to join him and a few other for drinks after the appointment
"That sounds great!" Annette replied
Harvey smiled warmly "perfect just let me finish putting this into the system and then we'll head out"
"Sounds good I'll wait in the lobby for you" She then turned and left his office and found a seat in the waiting room
Moments later Harvey emerged from the back and the pair left
"Are you excited to hang out at the Saloon now that you've been cleared of all worry"
"Yeah it'll be nice to have a drink or two" or more
Annette had been going against Harvey's orders and slowly sipping on the wine Robin gave her to help ease the screaming in her mind begging for a drink it had gotten worse after she got home since all the alcohol was out of her system and her body desperately craved more
"Just don't go too wild tonight" Harvey chuckled
"I wont don't want to end up making you drag me back to clinic again"
They both laughed a little at the comment before stepping into the Saloon
"Suprise" yelled out the entire town
What the hell is this I thought it was just gonna be me, Harvey and a few others not the whole town
Emily rushed forward and gave Annette a big hug she hadn't been able to see her since much since the incident because of having a hard time making it into town
"Were so glad you're ok"
The whole town looked at me relieved many of them I hadn't seem since before the Egg Festival well probably at the festive too but who knows
Annette wiped a small tear from her eye seeing the reaction from everyone
Pam stepped forward looking guilty
"Kid I'm really sorry about what happened I should've told you about the punch and kept a closer eye on how much you drank"
Thats right Harvey mentioned Pam was at fault for the incident
"But to make it up to you I've been raising money to pay for treatment and a small celebration to help cheer you up!" she continued
"It was an accident Pam" Emily chimed in "we know you wouldn't do that on purpose"
Annette was now in rough spot where she had no choice but offer Pam forgiveness or be judged by the whole town
She decides its not worth the judgmental looks "Yeah Pam what Emily said"
With that the party kicked up and someone passed Annette a drink which she happily drank up
After a couple hours Annette definitely felt the effect of the drinks she'd had doesn't help I drank on an empty stomach she now was munching on some pizza Gus brought her
Shane was slumped over in the booth across from her and Harvey was sipping a glass of water trying to sober up next to him
Emily had thrown herself across Annette lap and tugged on her hoodie sleeve "Annette give your hoddie I'm cold" she wined
"No I like wearing it" Annette replied pushing Emily up off her lap and handing her a slice of pizza
"That was probably a little to crazy for a congratulations on alcohol poisoning recovery" Emily slurred out getting laugh from the table
"In all fairness typically alcohol poisoning normally happens when you are trying to drink a lot" Harvey said "Well it's late and I definitely will oversleep in the morning so I'm gonna head back and set up my coffee pot to be as simple as possible in the morning
"Ugh I wish I had a coffee maker I've missed coffee so much since moving to Pelican Town"
"Come by sometime before the clinic opens I'll share a cup with you"
Annette felt a slight blush creeping up on her face as she accepted "Definitely! Probably not tomorrow but sometime soon"
Harvey reached for a napkin and scribbled on it "Here's my number so you call me before coming down I wake up around 7:30"
"Cool see you soon Harve"
Harvey turned walked out the door and Emily busted out laught
"That was the strangest attempt at flirting I've ever seen" she snorted
Damn am I that obvious
Annette had accepted defeat in trying to fight against her crush on the doctor and resolved to let it go away on its own not like I could be with him anyway, I'm too much of wreck especially when it comes to relationships
Shane stirred and grumble a bit before rejoining the conversation "Ugh I feel like I got by a brick"
"Sobering up already I see" Annette teased "I guess that means I won't get to dump water on you you again tomorrow"
"Listen it was one time!" Shane groaned "That shit goes through me too damn fast" Shane rubbed his eyes
Gus brought him over a glass of water "Sorry Shane no more drinks tonight"
"Damn it I was really hoping for one more beer" Shane groaned "So what are we talking about"
Before Annette could even speak Emily cut her off "Annette crush on Harvey"
Shane look at them intruiged "oh do tell"
Annette sighed "there's nothing to tell he just offered me a coffee"
"But Harvey never shares coffee" Shane countered
"Or let's anyone into the clinic before it's open" Emily chimed in " Maru had to beg him to give her a key just so she could get in for her shifts"
They have to be exaggerating there's no way he'd act like this with he barely knows but not with everyone else
"He invited her to come before he opened" Shane jaw dropped "Girl he's gonna be asking about Mermaid pendants soon"
"That's what I'm saying"
Annette laughed them off and listens to their banter as they tried to conceive Annette that the coffee ment something
What if means something else, what if he plans to gain your trust so you wont fight back when he locks you away
Annette tried to us push the thought from her mind but it refused to leave and instead lurked in the back of her mind
After a while they all said their goodbyes as Gus started kicking people out
Annette stumbled her was back home
Damn I shouldn't have let Emily make my drinks, she sure picked us some strong shit
Once Annette made it inside she immediately climbed into bed and knocked out

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