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There was no Akira, no Ryo, no sex...only darkness.

Your eyes were opened, but you couldn't see anything. You weren't didn't feel as if you were on the ground but suspended between two invisible forces. How sway. You put your hand up to your neck, but there was nothing. No scratches, just a faint reminder of the last few moments of your life. You could move your arms, your feet, but you weren't upright, were you? You attempted to stand in the pitch-black darkness, hands trying to find a surface to touch, to no avail. In the far distance,, you swore you saw the Earth, rotating on its core with what seemed to be....firework shows? 


You carefully walked, approaching the globe as the image grew bigger. On your last step, you realized that this was no image, no. This had to be what was happening in the real world. Those weren't fireworks. Those were bombs, explosions and-- a devilman? In the sky? Lightning zipped around him, before the two fell into a different part of the Earth. You reached out a hand to their location, but the darkness began to suck you away into the void. Fighting, you grabbed onto the only light in the void, the image of beings fighting in the Earth. You were losing your grip, closing your eyes and holding on for dear life, not wanting to let go to the only thing light against the darkness.

Would this be your hell?

"Name please."


"I need your name, gotta process you in purgatory."

"I-I'm dead?!"

"Maybe. Now please, t e l l  m e your name."

You gave the voice your name, and heard their breath catch in their throat. "You're not supposed to be in here. You should just be dead. You shouldn't be awake right now."

"Awake? Please, someone tell me what's going on."

"You must be the one to find him. 

You must be the one to save him. Wake up, y/n."

Your eyes open again. You're in your apartment. Diablo is nowhere to be found, and most of your things have been packed up. But no one else is here, it's just you. There is no neighbors next door, if there are, you can't hear them. You look to your side, remnants of the broken candle from that day you tossed the sheets with Akira stood, unbroken next to you. You put a hand to your neck, feeling a deep scar where Ryo's finger sliced. You needed to find him. Find Akira. You didn't know if you were alive, or how long you'd be this way. 

But while you were, you were angry, and felt your veins brew with vengeance, and in the midst of that, hopefully you could make love to Akira once more...only then would you accept death if it came to knock again. But it was no better time than now...It was time for Ryo's Demise.

You wouldn't rest until you saw him crumble.


Thank you to the tiktok community and wattpad community for your intense support on Akira's Possession, you guys have been so nice to me. I want to thank my baby for inspiring me to write, my fellow fanfic friends, we really keeping this shit going. i never finish anything really, so i'm excited to be finishing (and starting) something new too. Do you know the name of the new fic? :) 

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